BK friendly accounts i know you can't get anything (auto, credit card, etc)from USBank if there is a hint of BK on your credit reports.
Re: BK friendly accounts Oh, thanks for the info, Jenz..mind if I ask how you know for sure? (not doubting..just like to know for my own curiosity!)
Re: BK friendly accounts i don't work for USBank, but i am in the industry. over the years i have worked for several finance companies and i have kept in contact w/previous coworkers who have moved to other companies and gotten to know their friends at those companies. it just spirals from there. i think i know someone at every major finance company, insurance company and CRA's...LOL
Re: Re: BK friendly accounts Wow..that's awesome....for us!! Thanks for sharing..I'll update the list today!
Re: Re: BK friendly accounts Originally posted by NanaC BK FRIENDLY CREDITORS Compiled by NanaC Clarifications: Listings based on earliest receipt of credit. Occasionally, something may appear to be listed twice. This results from the credit being somehow different, for example, secured and unsecured, credit limits, etc. PFB = Planet FeedBack STARTER BK CARDS: score bad. 1. Household - unsecured 300 - 5 mos., score about 560 ( www.householdbank.com/hb/CustomerCa...direct=HomePage ) 2. Cap1 - Secured and Unsecured ( www.capitalone.com ) 3. Orchard - Secured ( www.orchardbank.com/care/CustomerCa...direct=HomePage ) 4. American Online Secured Visa ( www.apbank.com/021_scc.html ) 5. Mazda (Ford) - 1 day post BK13 - auto loan 6. Kay Jewelers - $2000 - 1 year post BK, score about 540 (www.kayjewelers.com) 6 MOS - 1 YEAR REBUILDING CREDIT: score low 600s 1. Cap1 - unsecured gold 500 ( www.capitalone.com ) 2. Orchard - unsecured $500 ( www.orchardbank.com/care/CustomerCa...direct=HomePage ) 3. Target Guest Card- unsecured 200 (target.com/common/financialservices/apply_online.jhtml) 4. First Premier - $200 ( www.credit-cards-s.com/premier.asp ) 5. Citifinancial Mortgage - 6 mths post - 9% ( www.citifinancial.com ) 6. Providian Platinum (www.providan.com) 7. First National Bank Of Marin - $300 unsecured - low 600's (www.fnbmarin.com) - appears to be by mai offer only 1-2 YEARS REBUILDING: score mid 600s 1. AT&T Wireless - No deposit ( http://www.attws.com ) 2. Cap1 Platinum - unsecured 5000. Yes, platinum. started w/regular card and negotiated credit line to platinum. (Wow!) ( www.capitalone.com ) 3. Cross Country Bank Visa - unsecured - $300, then $600, then $1250 over time. * ( www.crosscountrybank.com ) 4. Cross Country Bank MC - unsecured - $350 * ( www.crosscountrybank.com ) 5. Dillards - unsecured - $500 ( www.dillards.com/cca/CreditCardApplication.jsp ) 6. Circuit City â?? unsecured -$2000 ( http://www.circuitcity.com ) 7. Western Security Bank - secured ( www.westernsecuritybank.com ) 8. Direct Merchants Bank $1001 (Semi-secured) - pre-approved mailings only ( www.directmerchantsbank.com ) 9. Sprint PCS - $200 Assigned Spending Limit ( www.sprint.com ) 10. Newport News/Spiegals/Eddie Bauer ( www.spiegals.com/home.asp ) 11. Merrick - $1000, about 650 FICO (www.applymerrick.com) 2+ Years Rebuilding: score low to mid 600's: 1. Aspire - unsecured - $500 ( www.compucredit.com/pdcts.html ) 2. Voicestream - No deposit ( www.voicestream.com ) 3. Bank One Checking Account with Debit Card after 5 months usage ( www.bankone.com ) 4. Mortgage Received (No specific name as more than one loan was found by those reporting receipt of mortgage loan.) 5. Nordstrom - suggest not applying on-line ( www.nordstrom.nordstrom.com ) 6. First N.A. Nat. Bank - 3 years (www.fnanb.com) 7. Citibank MC- will consider post-7 years ( www.citibank.com ) 8. Nextel - must be 7 years post BK, no dep. ( www.nextel.com ) 9. Exxon - 4 years ( www.exxon.com ) 10. Home Depot - 4 years ( www.homedepot.com ) ** 11. Bloomingdales - 3 years ( www.bloomingdales.com ) 12. Verizon - no deposit ( www.verizonwireless.com ) 13. Washington Mutual Visa secured card issued by Citibank N.A. South Dakota ( www.washingtonmutual.com ) 14. Mervyn's ** ( www.mervyns.com ) 15. Generations (6 year mark!) - $1000 ( www.genscu.com ) 16. Target Visa - mid 600's required ( www.target.com ) 17. Lowes - 3+ years ( www.lowes.com ) 18. Washington Mutual Mortgage - 3+ years ( www.wamuhomeloans.com ) 19. Nordstrom - 5+ years (www. Nordstrom.com) 20. Wescom Credit Union - 5+ years ( www.wescom.org ) 21. First Nationwide Mortgage - 5 years ( www.firstnationwide.com ) 22. Dell - $1500 - 5+ years ( www.dell.com ) 23. Nissan Lease - 6+ years (Please provide link if known.) 24. Phillips 66 - 7.5 years ( www.phillips66.com ) 25. Ford Credit - 5 years ( www.fordcredit.com ) 26. Diamond Shamrock - 6.5 yrs ( www.valero.com ) 27. Menard's Big Card (Conseco) - $3000 - 5+ years ( www.menards.com ) 28. Capital One Auto Finance -14 % interest, score approximately 650 - ( www.capitalone.com/capitaloneplace/...id=2000bann0202 ) 29. JCB Card - CE642 (www.jcbusa.com) 30. Union Plus - initial rejection, then approved on PFB reconsideration (www.unionplus.com)** 31. Corvette Mastercard - 7 years post (was not in dispute when pulled)- score 678 with 4 CA's in dispute when pulled - $1500 - (www.household.com/corp/hipf_credit_card_select.jsp)** Special Considerations-please consider these with a cautious mindset as these are not based on actual approvals but information gathered through CSR's, etc.: 1. Bank of America - will consider post-BK if you have established credit and can show unusual circimstances (business loss, medical, etc.). Customer service rep reports Secured considered 5-years post BK, Unsecured 7-years post BK. 2. Citibank MC- will consider post-BK after 7 years 3. Citibank Diners Club - will consider post-BK if you have established credit and can show unusual circimstances (business loss, medical, etc.) 4. Federated (Pres. Club Visa)- 3 years post BK was able to override with explanation and good (>680) score 5. Federated (Macy's) Store Card - 2 years post-BK was able to override with explanation. Rejections (BK Unfriendly): ** Seen on both lists 1. Lowe's (MB) 2. Home Depot (MB) ** 3. Walmart 4. Mervyns ** 5. Exxon/Mobile ** 6. Amex Green 7. Best Buy (Household)-Recently confirmed letter due to bankruptcy Ch 13 6.5 years 8. Citgo 9. Amex Optima Secured 10. Home Depot 11. CitiBank 12. Associates: Citgo (try manual 24 ms+, 3 good lines) 13. First USA (try manual 5+ years discharge) 14. Bank of America 15. Sears 16. Fleet 17. First USA 18. Mens Wearhouse 19. Monogram Bank = MB ** 20. Amex LOC 21. Juniper 22. Chase Manhattan 23. Target Visa 24. Corvette Mastercard** 25. Target with recent BK discharge within 4 months** 26. UnionPlus** 27. GM Card 28. Conoco 29. Newport News/Spiegals/Eddie Bauer ** 30. Wells Fargo Secured 31. WFNNB 32. Circuit City ** 33. J.C. Penney 34. Kohl's 35. USBank Smart Suggestions: 1) Try Credit Unions 2) Ford is BK friendly (updated 1/4/04)
Re: Re: BK friendly accounts When you say finance company, does that include other traditional banks (BofA, Citi, etc)?. When I think of Finance companies, I think of Household and not Banks which I believe USBank is a bank.
Re: Re: BK friendly accounts when i say finance companies i meant any company that does lending. i should have said lender or creditor, my apologies.
Re: Re: BK friendly accounts Awww, Butch..thanks..I'm glad to give back a little of all that I got from CN..
Re: Re: BK friendly accounts Got approved for GM extended family card with almost post bk ch 7 of 5 years. Gives you 1% cash($50 increments) or GM dollars
Updated List Originally posted by NanaC BK FRIENDLY CREDITORS Compiled by NanaC Updated info in bold Clarifications: Listings based on earliest receipt of credit. Occasionally, something may appear to be listed twice. This results from the credit being somehow different, for example, secured and unsecured, credit limits, etc. PFB = Planet FeedBack STARTER BK CARDS: score bad. 1. Household - unsecured 300 - 5 mos., score about 560 ( www.householdbank.com/hb/CustomerCa...direct=HomePage ) 2. Cap1 - Secured and Unsecured ( www.capitalone.com ) 3. Orchard - Secured ( www.orchardbank.com/care/CustomerCa...direct=HomePage ) 4. American Online Secured Visa ( www.apbank.com/021_scc.html ) 5. Mazda (Ford) - 1 day post BK13 - auto loan 6. Kay Jewelers - $2000 - 1 year post BK, score about 540 (www.kayjewelers.com) 6 MOS - 1 YEAR REBUILDING CREDIT: score low 600s 1. Cap1 - unsecured gold 500 ( www.capitalone.com ) 2. Orchard - unsecured $500 ( www.orchardbank.com/care/CustomerCa...direct=HomePage ) 3. Target Guest Card- unsecured 200 (target.com/common/financialservices/apply_online.jhtml) 4. First Premier - $200 ( www.credit-cards-s.com/premier.asp ) 5. Citifinancial Mortgage - 6 mths post - 9% ( www.citifinancial.com ) 6. Providian Platinum (www.providan.com) 7. First National Bank Of Marin - $300 unsecured - low 600's (www.fnbmarin.com) - appears to be by mai offer only 1-2 YEARS REBUILDING: score mid 600s 1. AT&T Wireless - No deposit ( http://www.attws.com ) 2. Cap1 Platinum - unsecured 5000. Yes, platinum. started w/regular card and negotiated credit line to platinum. (Wow!) ( www.capitalone.com ) 3. Cross Country Bank Visa - unsecured - $300, then $600, then $1250 over time. * ( www.crosscountrybank.com ) 4. Cross Country Bank MC - unsecured - $350 * ( www.crosscountrybank.com ) 5. Dillards - unsecured - $500 ( www.dillards.com/cca/CreditCardApplication.jsp ) 6. Circuit City â?? unsecured -$2000 ( http://www.circuitcity.com ) 7. Western Security Bank - secured ( www.westernsecuritybank.com ) 8. Direct Merchants Bank $1001 (Semi-secured) - pre-approved mailings only ( www.directmerchantsbank.com ) 9. Sprint PCS - $200 Assigned Spending Limit ( www.sprint.com ) 10. Newport News/Spiegals/Eddie Bauer ( www.spiegals.com/home.asp ) 11. Merrick - $1000, about 650 FICO (www.applymerrick.com) 2+ Years Rebuilding: score low to mid 600's: 1. Aspire - unsecured - $500 ( www.compucredit.com/pdcts.html ) 2. Voicestream - No deposit ( www.voicestream.com ) 3. Bank One Checking Account with Debit Card after 5 months usage ( www.bankone.com ) 4. Mortgage Received (No specific name as more than one loan was found by those reporting receipt of mortgage loan.) 5. Nordstrom - suggest not applying on-line ( www.nordstrom.nordstrom.com ) 6. First N.A. Nat. Bank - 3 years (www.fnanb.com) 7. Citibank MC- will consider post-7 years ( www.citibank.com ) 8. Nextel - must be 7 years post BK, no dep. ( www.nextel.com ) 9. Exxon - 4 years ( www.exxon.com ) 10. Home Depot - 4 years ( www.homedepot.com ) ** 11. Bloomingdales - 3 years ( www.bloomingdales.com ) 12. Verizon - no deposit ( www.verizonwireless.com ) 13. Washington Mutual Visa secured card issued by Citibank N.A. South Dakota ( www.washingtonmutual.com ) 14. Mervyn's ** ( www.mervyns.com ) 15. Generations (6 year mark!) - $1000 ( www.genscu.com ) 16. Target Visa - mid 600's required ( www.target.com ) 17. Lowes - 3+ years ( www.lowes.com ) 18. Washington Mutual Mortgage - 3+ years ( www.wamuhomeloans.com ) 19. Nordstrom - 5+ years (www. Nordstrom.com) 20. Wescom Credit Union - 5+ years ( www.wescom.org ) 21. First Nationwide Mortgage - 5 years ( www.firstnationwide.com ) 22. Dell - $1500 - 5+ years ( www.dell.com ) 23. Nissan Lease - 6+ years (Please provide link if known.) 24. Phillips 66 - 7.5 years ( www.phillips66.com ) 25. Ford Credit - 5 years ( www.fordcredit.com ) 26. Diamond Shamrock - 6.5 yrs ( www.valero.com ) 27. Menard's Big Card (Conseco) - $3000 - 5+ years ( www.menards.com ) 28. Capital One Auto Finance -14 % interest, score approximately 650 - ( www.capitalone.com/capitaloneplace/...id=2000bann0202 ) 29. JCB Card - CE642 (www.jcbusa.com) 30. Union Plus - initial rejection, then approved on PFB reconsideration (www.unionplus.com)** 31. Corvette Mastercard - 7 years post (was not in dispute when pulled)- score 678 with 4 CA's in dispute when pulled - $1500 - (www.household.com/corp/hipf_credit_card_select.jsp)** Special Considerations-please consider these with a cautious mindset as these are not based on actual approvals but information gathered through CSR's, etc.: 1. Bank of America - will consider post-BK if you have established credit and can show unusual circimstances (business loss, medical, etc.). Customer service rep reports Secured considered 5-years post BK, Unsecured 7-years post BK. 2. Citibank MC- will consider post-BK after 7 years 3. Citibank Diners Club - will consider post-BK if you have established credit and can show unusual circimstances (business loss, medical, etc.) 4. Federated (Pres. Club Visa)- 3 years post BK was able to override with explanation and good (>680) score 5. Federated (Macy's) Store Card - 2 years post-BK was able to override with explanation. Rejections (BK Unfriendly): ** Seen on both lists 1. Lowe's (MB) 2. Home Depot (MB) ** 3. Walmart 4. Mervyns ** 5. Exxon/Mobile ** 6. Amex Green 7. Best Buy (Household)-Recently confirmed letter due to bankruptcy Ch 13 6.5 years 8. Citgo 9. Amex Optima Secured 10. Home Depot 11. CitiBank 12. Associates: Citgo (try manual 24 ms+, 3 good lines) 13. First USA (try manual 5+ years discharge) 14. Bank of America 15. Sears 16. Fleet 17. First USA 18. Mens Wearhouse 19. Monogram Bank = MB ** 20. Amex LOC 21. Juniper 22. Chase Manhattan 23. Target Visa 24. Corvette Mastercard** 25. Target with recent BK discharge within 4 months** 26. UnionPlus** 27. GM Card 28. Conoco 29. Newport News/Spiegals/Eddie Bauer ** 30. Wells Fargo Secured 31. WFNNB 32. Circuit City ** 33. J.C. Penney 34. Kohl's 35. USBank 36. Netbank Smart Suggestions: 1) Try Credit Unions 2) Ford is BK friendly (updated 1/23/04)
Updated List Originally posted by NanaC BK FRIENDLY CREDITORS Compiled by NanaC Updated info in bold Clarifications: Listings based on earliest receipt of credit. Occasionally, something may appear to be listed twice. This results from the credit being somehow different, for example, secured and unsecured, credit limits, etc. PFB = Planet FeedBack STARTER BK CARDS: score bad. 1. Household - unsecured 300 - 5 mos., score about 560 ( www.householdbank.com/hb/CustomerCa...direct=HomePage ) 2. Cap1 - Secured and Unsecured ( www.capitalone.com ) 3. Orchard - Secured ( www.orchardbank.com/care/CustomerCa...direct=HomePage ) 4. American Online Secured Visa ( www.apbank.com/021_scc.html ) 5. Mazda (Ford) - 1 day post BK13 - auto loan 6. Kay Jewelers - $2000 - 1 year post BK, score about 540 (www.kayjewelers.com) 6 MOS - 1 YEAR REBUILDING CREDIT: score low 600s 1. Cap1 - unsecured gold 500 ( www.capitalone.com ) 2. Orchard - unsecured $500 ( www.orchardbank.com/care/CustomerCa...direct=HomePage ) 3. Target Guest Card- unsecured 200 (target.com/common/financialservices/apply_online.jhtml) 4. First Premier - $200 ( www.credit-cards-s.com/premier.asp ) 5. Citifinancial Mortgage - 6 mths post - 9% ( www.citifinancial.com ) 6. Providian Platinum (www.providan.com) 7. First National Bank Of Marin - $300 unsecured - low 600's (www.fnbmarin.com) - appears to be by mai offer only 1-2 YEARS REBUILDING: score mid 600s 1. AT&T Wireless - No deposit ( http://www.attws.com ) 2. Cap1 Platinum - unsecured 5000. Yes, platinum. started w/regular card and negotiated credit line to platinum. (Wow!) ( www.capitalone.com ) 3. Cross Country Bank Visa - unsecured - $300, then $600, then $1250 over time. * ( www.crosscountrybank.com ) 4. Cross Country Bank MC - unsecured - $350 * ( www.crosscountrybank.com ) 5. Dillards - unsecured - $500 ( www.dillards.com/cca/CreditCardApplication.jsp ) 6. Circuit City â?? unsecured -$2000 ( http://www.circuitcity.com ) 7. Western Security Bank - secured ( www.westernsecuritybank.com ) 8. Direct Merchants Bank $1001 (Semi-secured) - pre-approved mailings only ( www.directmerchantsbank.com ) 9. Sprint PCS - $200 Assigned Spending Limit ( www.sprint.com ) 10. Newport News/Spiegals/Eddie Bauer ( www.spiegals.com/home.asp ) 11. Merrick - $1000, about 650 FICO (www.applymerrick.com) 2+ Years Rebuilding: score low to mid 600's: 1. Aspire - unsecured - $500 ( www.compucredit.com/pdcts.html ) 2. Voicestream - No deposit ( www.voicestream.com ) 3. Bank One Checking Account with Debit Card after 5 months usage ( www.bankone.com ) 4. Mortgage Received (No specific name as more than one loan was found by those reporting receipt of mortgage loan.) 5. Nordstrom - suggest not applying on-line ( www.nordstrom.nordstrom.com ) 6. First N.A. Nat. Bank - 3 years (www.fnanb.com) 7. Citibank MC- will consider post-7 years ( www.citibank.com ) 8. Nextel - must be 7 years post BK, no dep. ( www.nextel.com ) 9. Exxon - 4 years ( www.exxon.com ) 10. Home Depot - 4 years ( www.homedepot.com ) ** 11. Bloomingdales - 3 years ( www.bloomingdales.com ) 12. Verizon - no deposit ( www.verizonwireless.com ) 13. Washington Mutual Visa secured card issued by Citibank N.A. South Dakota ( www.washingtonmutual.com ) 14. Mervyn's ** ( www.mervyns.com ) 15. Generations (6 year mark!) - $1000 ( www.genscu.com ) 16. Target Visa - mid 600's required ( www.target.com ) 17. Lowes - 3+ years ( www.lowes.com ) 18. Washington Mutual Mortgage - 3+ years ( www.wamuhomeloans.com ) 19. Nordstrom - 5+ years (www. Nordstrom.com) 20. Wescom Credit Union - 5+ years ( www.wescom.org ) 21. First Nationwide Mortgage - 5 years ( www.firstnationwide.com ) 22. Dell - $1500 - 5+ years ( www.dell.com ) 23. Nissan Lease - 6+ years (Please provide link if known.) 24. Phillips 66 - 7.5 years ( www.phillips66.com ) 25. Ford Credit - 5 years ( www.fordcredit.com ) 26. Diamond Shamrock - 6.5 yrs ( www.valero.com ) 27. Menard's Big Card (Conseco) - $3000 - 5+ years ( www.menards.com ) 28. Capital One Auto Finance -14 % interest, score approximately 650 - ( www.capitalone.com/capitaloneplace/...id=2000bann0202 ) 29. JCB Card - CE642 (www.jcbusa.com) 30. Union Plus - initial rejection, then approved on PFB reconsideration (www.unionplus.com)** 31. Corvette Mastercard - 7 years post (was not in dispute when pulled)- score 678 with 4 CA's in dispute when pulled - $1500 - (www.household.com/corp/hipf_credit_card_select.jsp)** Special Considerations-please consider these with a cautious mindset as these are not based on actual approvals but information gathered through CSR's, etc.: 1. Bank of America - will consider post-BK if you have established credit and can show unusual circimstances (business loss, medical, etc.). Customer service rep reports Secured considered 5-years post BK, Unsecured 7-years post BK. 2. Citibank MC- will consider post-BK after 7 years 3. Citibank Diners Club - will consider post-BK if you have established credit and can show unusual circimstances (business loss, medical, etc.) 4. Federated (Pres. Club Visa)- 3 years post BK was able to override with explanation and good (>680) score 5. Federated (Macy's) Store Card - 2 years post-BK was able to override with explanation. Rejections (BK Unfriendly): ** Seen on both lists 1. Lowe's (MB) 2. Home Depot (MB) ** 3. Walmart 4. Mervyns ** 5. Exxon/Mobile ** 6. Amex Green 7. Best Buy (Household)-Recently confirmed letter due to bankruptcy Ch 13 6.5 years 8. Citgo 9. Amex Optima Secured 10. Home Depot 11. CitiBank 12. Associates: Citgo (try manual 24 ms+, 3 good lines) 13. First USA (try manual 5+ years discharge) 14. Bank of America 15. Sears 16. Fleet 17. First USA 18. Mens Wearhouse 19. Monogram Bank = MB ** 20. Amex LOC 21. Juniper 22. Chase Manhattan 23. Target Visa 24. Corvette Mastercard** 25. Target with recent BK discharge within 4 months** 26. UnionPlus** 27. GM Card 28. Conoco 29. Newport News/Spiegals/Eddie Bauer ** 30. Wells Fargo Secured 31. WFNNB 32. Circuit City ** 33. J.C. Penney 34. Kohl's 35. USBank 36. Netbank 37. Discover Smart Suggestions: 1) Try Credit Unions 2) Ford is BK friendly (updated 1/23/04) ~NanaC~