update on Citi, AMEX, and...Chase? I think it just shows lates. Only TU shows a collection. So I have 1- 90 day, 1- 60 day, and a bunch of 30 day. I never declared BK
update on Citi, AMEX, and...Chase? I got chase with a chap 7 of 5 yrs.. citibank also when it was 4 years
Just wanted to update this list. About 1 year after a Chapter 7 BK discharge, I applied for a Sam's Club credit card issued by Monogram Credit Card Bank of GA. MCCBG pulled Equifax (I live in upstate NY). I was declined. The specific reason for rejection that was given on the form letter was "Bankruptcy Proceeding, Credit Counseling or Creditor Settlement." Apparently MCCBG and the portfolio of cards it issues (Sam's Club, Home Depot to name a couple) are not only BK-unfriendly, they're also unfriendly toward people who have either used a credit counseling service or have paid settlements to creditors or CA's. Nana, take this as a confirmation of the listing of Sam's Club/MCCBG earlier in the thread. John
Just wanted to update this list. About 1 year after a Chapter 7 BK discharge, I applied for a Sam's Club credit card issued by Monogram Credit Card Bank of GA. MCCBG pulled Equifax (I live in upstate NY). I was declined. The specific reason for rejection that was given on the form letter was "Bankruptcy Proceeding, Credit Counseling or Creditor Settlement." Apparently MCCBG and the portfolio of cards it issues (Sam's Club, Home Depot to name a couple) are not only BK-unfriendly, they're also unfriendly toward people who have either used a credit counseling service or have paid settlements to creditors or CA's. Nana, take this as a confirmation of the listing of Sam's Club/MCCBG earlier in the thread. John
What is amazing to me with this thread that has been hit 30,800 times is that when a new poster asks about filing or thinking about filing bk there is only one response. It is also annoying to get flamed whenever I give someone advice to file bk. Would someone please explain the numbers here or am I the CN village idiot? clc PS This is not a criticism of this great thread BTW.
Re: Re: Credit Card Approvals with BK OK...this is my perspective only...and I should say that I don't think there should be a problem with an honest recommendation for filing bk..this is a discussion forum and a variety of information and opinions is what makes it so valuable..so I wouldn't flame ya' for that.. In fact, by providing different alternative suggestions, the reader can then make an educated decision on what is best for him/her. Of course, once again, just my thoughts...lol..and that may not mean much. That said..I think the difference is that this is about recovery from a "done deal" as opposed to a precursor to it...and that is likely the reason for the varying reactions you see. This is not about the bk itself but rather about how best to deal with an existing credit situation and move towards a positive change in credit skills and management. Ok...that's all I can think of..
GM Card You have this under "Rejections (BK Unfriendly)": 27. GM Card That should probably have the double asterisks next to it. I was approved at under 6 years post 13, but with a score in the high 600's. I think perhaps those Household Bank cards are mostly score driven, but there could be a cutoff where the BK counts against you more.
GM Card Hmmm...tempted to try dh's 8 year old bk 13 with around 700 score..think we should? I will add asterisks later tonight.. thanks
Got one for your great list. Granted, it's very sub-prime, but for some of us that get desperate...well... Hey, ya gotta start rebuilding somewhere. Heck, last week the most love my credit union would give me is $100 SECURED CL. $500 CL 2 yrs post-BK7 Pulled TU with a FICO of 532 (per PG). Cross Country Bank The down side is a usurious $100 app fee, and $50 annual fee.
Does anyone know if Wells Fargo Bank is BK friendly? I have a friend who has a BK7 almost 7 years old and has re-established herself pretty well since. She wants to apply for a Wells Fargo Visa. Anyone have luck?
Originally posted by NanaC BK FRIENDLY CREDITORS Compiled by NanaC Updated info in bold Clarifications: Listings based on earliest receipt of credit. Occasionally, something may appear to be listed twice. This results from the credit being somehow different, for example, secured and unsecured, credit limits, etc. PFB = Planet FeedBack STARTER BK CARDS: score bad. 1. Household - unsecured 300 - 5 mos., score about 560 ( www.householdbank.com/hb/CustomerCa...direct=HomePage ) 2. Cap1 - Secured and Unsecured ( www.capitalone.com ) 3. Orchard - Secured ( www.orchardbank.com/care/CustomerCa...direct=HomePage ) 4. American Online Secured Visa ( www.apbank.com/021_scc.html ) 5. Mazda (Ford) - 1 day post BK13 - auto loan 6. Kay Jewelers - $2000 - 1 year post BK, score about 540 (www.kayjewelers.com) 6 MOS - 1 YEAR REBUILDING CREDIT: score low 600s 1. Cap1 - unsecured gold 500 ( www.capitalone.com ) 2. Orchard - unsecured $500 ( www.orchardbank.com/care/CustomerCa...direct=HomePage ) 3. Target Guest Card- unsecured 200 (target.com/common/financialservices/apply_online.jhtml) 4. First Premier - $200 ( www.credit-cards-s.com/premier.asp ) 5. Citifinancial Mortgage - 6 mths post - 9% ( www.citifinancial.com ) 6. Providian Platinum (www.providan.com) 7. First National Bank Of Marin - $300 unsecured - low 600's (www.fnbmarin.com) - appears to be by mai offer only 8. Raymour and Flanigan Furniture (please provide url if available) 1-2 YEARS REBUILDING: score mid 600s 1. AT&T Wireless - No deposit ( http://www.attws.com ) 2. Cap1 Platinum - unsecured 5000. Yes, platinum. started w/regular card and negotiated credit line to platinum. (Wow!) ( www.capitalone.com ) 3. Cross Country Bank Visa - unsecured - $300, then $600, then $1250 over time. * ( www.crosscountrybank.com ) 4. Cross Country Bank MC - unsecured - $350 * ( www.crosscountrybank.com ) 5. Dillards - unsecured - $500 ( www.dillards.com/cca/CreditCardApplication.jsp ) 6. Circuit City â?? unsecured -$2000 ( http://www.circuitcity.com ) 7. Western Security Bank - secured ( www.westernsecuritybank.com ) 8. Direct Merchants Bank $1001 (Semi-secured) - pre-approved mailings only ( www.directmerchantsbank.com ) 9. Sprint PCS - $200 Assigned Spending Limit ( www.sprint.com ) 10. Newport News/Spiegals/Eddie Bauer ( www.spiegals.com/home.asp ) 11. Merrick - $1000, about 650 FICO (www.applymerrick.com) 2+ Years Rebuilding: score low to mid 600's: 1. Aspire - unsecured - $500 ( www.compucredit.com/pdcts.html ) 2. Voicestream - No deposit ( www.voicestream.com ) 3. Bank One Checking Account with Debit Card after 5 months usage ( www.bankone.com ) 4. Mortgage Received (No specific name as more than one loan was found by those reporting receipt of mortgage loan.) 5. Nordstrom - suggest not applying on-line ( www.nordstrom.nordstrom.com ) 6. First N.A. Nat. Bank - 3 years (www.fnanb.com) 7. Citibank MC- will consider post-7 years ( www.citibank.com ) 8. Nextel - must be 7 years post BK, no dep. ( www.nextel.com ) 9. Exxon - 4 years ( www.exxon.com ) 10. Home Depot - 4 years ( www.homedepot.com ) ** 11. Bloomingdales - 3 years ( www.bloomingdales.com ) 12. Verizon - no deposit ( www.verizonwireless.com ) 13. Washington Mutual Visa secured card issued by Citibank N.A. South Dakota ( www.washingtonmutual.com ) 14. Mervyn's ** ( www.mervyns.com ) 15. Generations (6 year mark!) - $1000 ( www.genscu.com ) 16. Target Visa - mid 600's required ( www.target.com ) 17. Lowes - 3+ years ( www.lowes.com ) 18. Washington Mutual Mortgage - 3+ years ( www.wamuhomeloans.com ) 19. Nordstrom - 5+ years (www. Nordstrom.com) 20. Wescom Credit Union - 5+ years ( www.wescom.org ) 21. First Nationwide Mortgage - 5 years ( www.firstnationwide.com ) 22. Dell - $1500 - 5+ years ( www.dell.com ) 23. Nissan Lease - 6+ years (Please provide link if known.) 24. Phillips 66 - 7.5 years ( www.phillips66.com ) 25. Ford Credit - 5 years ( www.fordcredit.com ) 26. Diamond Shamrock - 6.5 yrs ( www.valero.com ) 27. Menard's Big Card (Conseco) - $3000 - 5+ years ( www.menards.com ) 28. Capital One Auto Finance -14 % interest, score approximately 650 - ( www.capitalone.com/capitaloneplace/...id=2000bann0202 ) 29. JCB Card - CE642 (www.jcbusa.com) 30. Union Plus - initial rejection, then approved on PFB reconsideration (www.unionplus.com)** 31. Corvette Mastercard - 7 years post (was not in dispute when pulled)- score 678 with 4 CA's in dispute when pulled - $1500 - (www.household.com/corp/hipf_credit_card_select.jsp)** 32. J.C. Penney - 4 years, 7 months post bk7 (www.jcpenney.com) 33. BOFA - Alaskan Airlines Plat - 5 yrs, 3 months post BK7 approved on reconsideration (www.bofa.com) 34. GM card (www.household.com/corp/hipf_credit_card_select.jsp)** Special Considerations-please consider these with a cautious mindset as these are not based on actual approvals but information gathered through CSR's, etc.: 1. Bank of America - will consider post-BK if you have established credit and can show unusual circimstances (business loss, medical, etc.). Customer service rep reports Secured considered 5-years post BK, Unsecured 7-years post BK. 2. Citibank MC- will consider post-BK after 7 years 3. Citibank Diners Club - will consider post-BK if you have established credit and can show unusual circimstances (business loss, medical, etc.) 4. Federated (Pres. Club Visa)- 3 years post BK was able to override with explanation and good (>680) score 5. Federated (Macy's) Store Card - 2 years post-BK was able to override with explanation. Rejections (BK Unfriendly): ** Seen on both lists 1. Lowe's (MB) 2. Home Depot (MB) ** 3. Walmart 4. Mervyns ** 5. Exxon/Mobile ** 6. Amex Green 7. Best Buy (Household)-Recently confirmed letter due to bankruptcy Ch 13 6.5 years 8. Citgo 9. Amex Optima Secured 10. Home Depot 11. CitiBank 12. Associates: Citgo (try manual 24 ms+, 3 good lines) 13. First USA (try manual 5+ years discharge) 14. Bank of America ** 15. Sears 16. Fleet 17. First USA 18. Mens Wearhouse 19. Monogram Bank = MB ** 20. Amex LOC 21. Juniper 22. Chase Manhattan 23. Target Visa 24. Corvette Mastercard** 25. Target with recent BK discharge within 4 months** 26. UnionPlus** 27. GM Card** 28. Conoco 29. Newport News/Spiegals/Eddie Bauer ** 30. Wells Fargo Secured 31. WFNNB 32. Circuit City ** 33. J.C. Penney ** 34. Kohl's 35. USBank 36. Netbank 37. Discover Smart Suggestions: 1) Try Credit Unions 2) Ford is BK friendly (updated 5/27/04)
you might want to edit your list and put these in: Macy's card... Approved initial limit 100 but will require review for more... (humm... maybe 4 or 500 bucks) applied for Kay Jewelry card... waiting for review... applied for Home Depot... DENIED applied for Target Approved 200 bucks applied for a aspire visa card... Approved 300 dollar limit applied for a citgo gas card... Approved 200 dollar limit this is who they pulled: here is who pulled what yesterday (This is in Jersey) EXPERIAN - STERLING INC Jewelers May 27, 2004 EQUIFAX - CB&T National Credit Card Cos.May 26, 2004 EXPERIAN - MACY/FDSB Miscellaneous Department And Variety Stores May 26, 2004 EXPERIAN - CITGO/CITI Oil Company Credit Cards May 26, 2004 TRANSUNION- CBUSA Home Furnishing May 26, 2004 Looks like Homedepot denied me on my TU score I might be getting the Kay Jewelers since they pulled EXP and its my highest....
Here is the link for Raymour and Flanigan. http://www.raymourflanigan.com/financing.asp Since receiving the card I paid off $840 of the $1200 I was originally approved for. Just this past weekend my wife and I were in the store again this time shopping for chairs. Our plan was to buy 1 and then in 3 months (after payong off the first) buy the second to complete the living room set. After a few minutes on the computer our salesman said we could buy both and they would be interest free until Jan 2006! The limit is now set at $1700 with the $360 original balance free until 2/05 and the rest due by 1/06.