Credit Card Approvals with BK

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by NanaC, Jul 21, 2001.

  1. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    Re: CC List with Mortgage updated info

    Thanks, Tzank..update below.

    Originally posted by NanaC
    Please keep me informed as these change.

    Clarifications: Moved Chevron because it was thought to be a fluke and with Jim's info added.

    STARTER BK CARDS: score? bad.
    1. Household - unsecured 300
    2. Cap1 - Unsecured 300
    3. Providian visa - 500
    4. FCNB - unsecured - $1000
    5. Cap1 - Secured
    6. Orchard - Secured

    6 MOS - 1 YEAR REBUILDING CREDIT: score low 600s
    1. Cap1 - unsecured gold 500
    2. Prov MC - unsecured 500
    3. Orchard - unsecured $500
    4. Target Guest Card- unsecured 200
    5. First Premier - $200
    6. Providian Classic - $1000

    1-2 YEARS REBUILDING: score mid 600s
    1. Aria/Getsmart Visa - unsecured - $500
    2. AT&T Wireless - No deposit
    3. Cap1 Platinum - unsecured 5000. Yes, platinum. started w/regular card and negotiated credit line to platinum. (Wow!)
    4. Cross Country Bank Visa - unsecured - $300, then $600, then $1250 over time. *
    5. Cross Country Bank MC - unsecured - $350 *
    6. Dillards - unsecured - $500
    7. Circuit City â?? unsecured -$2000
    8. Western Security Bank - secured
    9. 1/00 Direct Merchants Bank $1001 (Semi-secured)
    10. Sprint PCS - $200 Assigned Spending Limit
    11. Newport News/Speigals/Eddie Bauer

    2+ Years Rebuilding: score low to mid 600's:
    1. Aspire - unsecured - $500
    2. Providian Gold
    3. Voicestream - No deposit
    4. Bank One Checking Account with Debit Card after 5 months usage
    6. Mortgage
    7. Nordstrom - suggest not applying on-line
    8. First N.A. Nat. Bank - 3 years
    9. Citibank MC- will consider post-7 years
    10. Nextel - must be 7 years post BK, no dep.
    11. Exxon - 4 years
    12. Home Depot - 4 years
    13. Bloomingdales - 3 years
    14. Verizon - no deposit
    15. Washington Mutual Visa secured card issued by Citibank N.A. South Dakota
    16. Mervyn's **
    17. Generations (6 year mark!) - $1000
    18. Target Visa - mid 600's required
    19. Lowes - 3+ years
    20. Washington Mutual Mortgage - 3+ years
    21. Nordstrom - 5+ years
    22. Wescom Credit Union - 5+ years
    23. First Nationwide Mortgage - 5 years
    24. Dell - $1500 - 5+ years

    Special Considerations:
    1. Bank of America - will consider post-BK if you have established credit and can show unusual circimstances (business loss, medical, etc.)
    2. Citibank MC- will consider post-BK after 7 years
    3. Citibank Diners Club - will consider post-BK if you have established credit and can show unusual circimstances (business loss, medical, etc.)
    4. Federated (Pres. Club Visa)- 3 years post BK was able to override with explanation and good (>680) score
    5. Federated (Macy's) Store Card - 2 years post-BK was able to override with explanation.


    1. Lowe's (MB)
    2. Home Depot (MB) **
    3. Walmart
    4. Mervyns **
    5. Exxon/Mobile **
    6. Amex Green
    7. Best Buy (Household)
    8. Citgo
    9. Amex Optima Secured
    10.Home Depot
    12. Associates: Citgo (try manual 24 ms+, 3 good lines)
    13. First USA (try manual 5+ years discharge)
    14. Bank of America
    15. Sears
    16. Fleet
    17. First USA
    18. Mens Wearhouse
    19. Monogram Bank = MB **
    20. Amex LOC
    21. Juniper
    22. Chase Manhattan
    23. Target Visa

    Smart Suggestions:
    1) Try Credit Unions
    2) Ford is BK friendly

    *See note in first message of thread
    ** Seen on approved and not approved both.
  2. Amy B

    Amy B Well-Known Member dh has a 6 (almost 7) yr old bk: he got cap one (500 cl 2 mos ago lol); providian visa and mc (1000 and 2950 cl); ccb (haha) 2100 cl. Can't wait to get rid of that thing. My question is: how did you negotiate a 5000 cl??? He has NO lates on his cc's.

    Nana.....which would you recommend of the cards, are any of them considered prime? His problem is his cl ratio is high, so don't know if they'll go for that.
  3. Amy B

    Amy B Well-Known Member

    Felice, what "methods" did you use to negotiate your cl's up?
  4. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    Amy: I've had experience with Cap One, CCB, Provicidan. I personally love Capital One. I've never had any of the others reward our on-time payments so well. I actually have 3, hubby has 2. I'm very pleased with them. Hope that helps. (P.S. BUT...there are always others with different experiences so I would advise searching each one here and reading the various stories!)
  5. Amy B

    Amy B Well-Known Member

    Re: I"ve updated the list-hope it helps

    When they say DTI ratio, do they mean the utilization of cards? Certainly they can't know your entire DTI ratio based on asking what your mortgage payment is on an app.
  6. UNLV34

    UNLV34 Well-Known Member

    Re: I"ve updated the list-hope it helps

    Hey CLC!!!

    Great to have you back. How did you do on the bar? I am sure you passed with flying colors. How are you adjusting to FL? I may relocate to ATL by the beginning of the new year.

  7. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    Re: I"ve updated the list-hope it helps

    Bumpitydoodah! Bumpityay!
    My oh my what a bumpity day!
    Plenty of sunshine bumping my way!
    bumpitydoodah! bumpityay!

    What's that big bump on my shoulder?
    My head! It's factual! Everything is bumpactual!

    :::eek:h my::::::
  8. newstdt

    newstdt Well-Known Member

    Re: I"ve updated the list-hope it helps

    Hubby got Dell financing $1500 one year post discharge. We only tried it because someone posted here that they got it a couple of months post discharge.

    I don't know if anyone else has Gottschalks. I used to live in CA and they're in major cities there but they closed me (zero balance, not included in the bk) after our discharge. Texaco kept me and so did Mervyns.

  9. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    Re: I"ve updated the list-hope it helps

    Thanks, News!

  10. genmorr

    genmorr Well-Known Member

    Re: I"ve updated the list-hope it helps

    Just adding on about Ford Credit - my BK7 is from 5/97. I got a Lincoln Navigator financed through them with $1K at 5.9%@ 60 months.
  11. bayrealty4

    bayrealty4 Well-Known Member

    Re: I"ve updated the list-hope it h

    Do you mind if I ask what your beacon scores were when you got financed at ford?
  12. david1

    david1 Well-Known Member

    Re: I"ve updated the list-hope it h

    FORD = Found on Road Dead
    FORD = Fix or Repair Daily
    same with KIA

    I heard horrible experience about ford car as it gets older. No wonder they are giving 1k to 3k upfront just to push the car out. Is it worth it in a long run unless you plan to buy car every year or in 2 years.
    With bk, I understand something is better than nothing but at what cost.
  13. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    Re: I"ve updated the list-hope it h

    To be honest, I've heard horror stories about every make/model/brand of car out there. And, I've heard stories of the same make/model/brand of car regarding long life and great quality. Who's to say? I've even got some of both of my own. I'm sure we all have!

    The main thing it that we have the info for the credit file after BK! :) :)
  14. MakeItSo34

    MakeItSo34 Well-Known Member

    Re: I"ve updated the list-hope it h

    update: hubby just received Phillips 66 gas card w/7.5 year old chap 7
  15. genmorr

    genmorr Well-Known Member

    Re: I"ve updated the list-hope it h

    My scores were mid 600s when I got it. I have heard mostly mixed reviews of Ford cars but I have had only Ford cars for 8 years and they have done me very well. The navigator is pretty sharp, too. I am very happy with my price, APR and selection.

    My 97 Taurus now has 90K miles on it and I also (knock on wood) have not had any problems from it. I bought it new. I have an excellent warranty programs and I haven't had any more repairs than my hubby has had with his Ponitac or Toyota.
  16. Amy B

    Amy B Well-Known Member

    Re: I"ve updated the list-hope it h

    I forget to mention that my mother in law got a Nissan lease with a 626 EQ (only because of inquiries!) when her BK was 6 years old. ( She didn't try before that mind you)...not only that - they paid off an 8k upside down AND didn't require ANY docs.
  17. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    Re: I"ve updated the list-hope it h

    BUMP! I said BUMP!
  18. Missig

    Missig Well-Known Member

    Re: I"ve updated the list-hope it h

    Hi all! I am new to all of this, I have posted just a couple times. I'm in the process of BK7, court date Dec. 4. I was looking over these posts and the first string of Credit cards say starter BK cards, does this mean you can actually get an unsecured card as soon as your BK is discharged? Or what do you guys suggest. I want to start rebuilding ASAP, get back on track and such.



    Oh and what bank is FCNB?
  19. genmorr

    genmorr Well-Known Member

    Re: I"ve updated the list-hope it h

    Nana, I love that quote about egotists! lol

    Missy, FCNB is the same bank that handles Spiegel cards. First Consumer's National Bank. Their website is Hope this helps!
  20. NanaC

    NanaC Well-Known Member

    Re: I"ve updated the list-hope it h

    Thanks, Gennmorr!

    Missi: Yes, that happened for some of the members here. It sure is worth a shot! Of course, wait till everything is discharged before you do a thing, though.

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