Credit card declined question?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Credithelp, May 31, 2001.

  1. Credithelp

    Credithelp Well-Known Member

    I applied for a citi bank classic card and was declined for the following reason, credit scoring. I pulled my Experian report which they pulled and I have perefect credit nothing negative. I had 3 car loans completely paid off and never late. 1 Open car loan thats being paid on time and never late. and one closed revolving credit card with a local credit union that was closed by me. It only had a $500 dollar limit. What can I do? Can I call Citi Bank up and ask for someone to actually look at my report rather than go thru the computer and see if they can approve me? I also applied for a Associates credit card and was declined and they pulled my Experian report too. Their reason is absence of open revolving accounts. Can I do the same thing with them? Has anyone else had this problem. I thought if you have no negatives that I would get approved? Can someone please help? Thanks!
  2. marci

    marci Well-Known Member

    Call 1-301-733-5501, press "1" and ask for a supervisor to re-evaluate your application.

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