Has anyone ever recieved an offer for a credit card to pay off your debt?? I got an offer in the mail from Resurgent Capital. They stated they would issue me a visa to remove the debt or pay it. Not sure I was just going to pay it and really dont no the pro's and cons to this. I would have another trade line but really don't need another card. ANy thoughts would be great
I did this and received a Plains Commerce Bank CC, 19% interest. I wasn't allowed to charge anything for the first 3-4 months of payments. I paid it off in the first 6 months and have had it for 2 years now. It helped me rebuild my credit. I would look into it if you are rebuilding credit
Of course, not all of such offers are scam, but in any case you must be careful as possible as you can. Make sure to read those offers very carefully and finally choose the best suitable for you. Usually the advantage of such sort of offers is that they are with low introductory and allow to timely pay off your debt. But before accepting this ot that offer be sure that a 0% interest rate will not increase up to to 19% or more in just a few months.
This is a very key point, as usually the language in the agreement refers to this. If you are considering this option, read everything very carefully, and make sure the debt is valid and still within legal Statute of Limitations for collections.
I agree that you should find out if the debt is in SOL. If not, ignore them. Since it is Resurgent, I wouldn't touch that offer with a ten-foot pole.