Credit Cards

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by rbrussell, Feb 14, 2007.

  1. rbrussell

    rbrussell Well-Known Member

    I just received my Orchard Bank Secured Credit Card. Other than this card, I have no accounts BUILDING credit, so I am excited to start (intelligently) using the card, and improving my credit rating. I would also like to try to get an unsecured card. Does anyone have suggestions for what cards are the best?

    I am planning on applying for the First Premier Unsecured Card. Is this a good idea?
  2. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Why don't you wait a little while, build some positive credit history, and see if you can use this account to get better offers? Maybe an unsecured credit union account next?

    It may be worth opening one secured account or one subprime account with fees, but after you get started, why would you want to pay for any more?
  3. pa1205

    pa1205 Well-Known Member

    I'm not a big fan of First Premier, although it does help re-establish credit but you pay so many fee's for that card. I'd have to agree with ontrack.
  4. peeper

    peeper Well-Known Member

    That is the worst card you could get. Total fees come out to like 325.00 they give you a 400.00 line of credit but you only have like 75.00 available after all there upfront fees.For 325.00 you can open a secured account.
  5. cap1sucks

    cap1sucks Well-Known Member

    Peeper is right on target. But while First Premier is most certainly one of the lowest of the scumbag cards, Orchard isn't much better.

    Of course, Crapitol One is my favorite target for my wrath.
  6. my3girlies

    my3girlies New Member

    Have you thought about a Crown Jeweler's card? They don't do a credit check and report to all 3 cra. They approve everyone for a $1500 cl and you just need to buy a $30 pendant. HTH
  7. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Look into a CC, even a secured CC, thru a credit union, first.

    A store card that costs, and that you have no intention to use, does not build an additional credit or banking relationship that can grow. A CC useable anywhere, where the credit limit is likely to increase and the interest terms likely to improve as your credit picture improves, is a better choice.
  8. rbrussell

    rbrussell Well-Known Member

    Thanks all!
  9. maxim777

    maxim777 Member

    best idea would be to be an authorized user,you get the life of the tradeline without the headache of donating money to subprime credit card company's.Try and find a friend or relative,I also believe there's a website which is very expensive where you can buy a
  10. ghostgirl

    ghostgirl Active Member

    At some point I thought I read that a diverse credit profile, a mix of store cards, credit cards and installment accounts actually helps your score. Is this not the case anymore?

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