Credit Check 4 Plane Tickets

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Butch, Jun 7, 2002.

  1. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Credit Checks Sought On Suspicious Air Travelers
    Fri Jun 07 2002 11:13:16 ET

    Uncle Sam may soon want to check passengers credit histories before they board airplanes, the WALL STREET JOURNAL reported on Friday. The Transportation Security Administration is enlisting companies that analyze personal credit-card and insurance records.


    "The aim is to target suspicious travelers when they make a reservation so that by the time they show up at the airport, authorities will be on alert."

    The US "is asking a handful of firms that provide fraud- detection technology for credit-card companies or insurers, such as HNC Software Inc. and Infoglide Software Corp., to demonstrate how the government could run airline passengers' names against various databases to identify potential terrorists. The government hasn't disclosed what databases it plans to tap, but efforts to expand what authorities know about air travelers are taking wing.

    "The project, run out of the TSA, is seeking help from the Federal Bureau of Investigation and other law-enforcement agencies that keep lists of people wanted by the government. The TSA is asking Congress for $45 million to fund the project."


    GEORGE Well-Known Member



    I SMELL A VIOLATION...$1,000!!!
  3. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    LOL me 2 George,

    They will probably make us sign a release for a credit check just to buy a fricken plane ticket..

  4. flush

    flush Well-Known Member

    ah the wonders of the government. so you are telling me, say, a foreign alien, who's also a terrorist, will have been in the country long enough to have a credit report?

    lets see what that means:

    1. they apply for finances in their name since they are merely religious fanatics and honest to the core of their being.
    2. they stick around in one place for a long time to build up their credit history.
    3. they pay or don't pay their bills etc

    NOW, after going through all that hassle and time, they'll come and blow up the biggest building they can find.

    Isn't it more likely that someone else funds them in cash and handles the dry work of finances and planning?
  5. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    They all had credit cards, bank accounts, etc. It's an ID check, fraud check, like online services do. I think it's a good idea.
  6. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member


    That's part of the fallacy, it's a consumer report, that includes or can include LOTS of stuff, we're just used to seeing it only associated with credit.

  7. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

    McCarthyism lives on it seems.....

    Politicians are using this whole situation to justify their pet pork projects. Pretty soon we will need good credit to breath oxygen!!!! I wonder when enough will be enough. Each day, they are encroaching farther and farther into my personal freedom space!!!

    It's all a CONSPIRACY!!!!!

    ok, I am feeling a bit lbrown right now...... ;-)
  8. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member


    I'll make you a double-layered tinfoil suit with a drop seat in the rear!!!!!

    Even the tinfoil hat wouldn't do.

    I agree with Breeze, I suppose it's a good idea, the suppose is my passive self. If we have to live with terrorists then we have to do what we can to prevent it.

    The other side of me says a terrorist, is a terrorist, is a terrorist -- we're loosing all our rights and there are still terrorists.

    I think it would be more appropriate to check these things before issuing the bank accounts, credit cards, etc.

    BTW, all seams on the suits will be reinforced with duct tape, no leaking!

  9. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

  10. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    I am only on my second cup of coffee, so I may not express myself well ;)

    Sometimes it helps to understand how this stuff usually works. When these software programs "pull" credit for specific things - like ID and insurance (I am not trying to justify credit checks for insurance so DON'T GO THERE), it onlys gets specific information from your report and feeds it into the software program, where some calculations are done, and the software spits out an answer.

    Live people are not sitting there reading your report, and they do not have access to your information. It is all encoded, and read only by the software.

    When you actually apply for a card or loan of some kind, or employment, your full report is sent to whatever entity requests it. But the types of credit checks we are talking about are different. I know it can be abused - everything can be abused.

    McCarthyism?? LOL, I don't think so (and I was alive and aware when that happened). And if they are checking on one group of people, they should check on everyone. It is not American to single out a group of people and only check on them. Besides, we have a whole lot of blond-haired, blue-eyed crazy folks who have proved they are quite capable of terrorism and other evil acts.

    We face a greater danger of the CRA's compiling a list of terrorists and then target marketing them, because they know they travel a lot and have money. hahahahaha!!!
  11. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    A footnote to this discussion of terrorism. I work with a bunch of retired Navy guys, some of whom still have close ties with military installations and activities. Yesterday a rumor surfaced that over 2,000 lbs of plastic explosive from a local Naval installation is missing and can't be accounted for....

    Add to that the following (I copied it because this website requires registration to read their news reports):

  12. mj

    mj Well-Known Member


    Coffee or not, you espress'd yourself well (sorry, it's early for me!)

    I agree with your logic. I'm not going to get up on my high-horse and scream out "privacy violators!" on this issue - most of thes guys (all of the cell leaders) made use of ATM cards, bank accounts, credit cards, had leases on apartments, some had cars (and others rental cars). My car was parked down the aisle from one of the SOB's in Boston Logan's B garage. And yes, it was towed and inspected after the dreaded day.

    On the other hand - the airline sholdn't have access to credit information just for purchasing a ticket.

    The best solution, imho, is a "Terror Score" (please, somebody come up with a better name!) that the PhD's at HNC/Fair Isaac develop in conjunction with whoever in the TSA/FBI/CIA. If you come up "flagged" (one-way tickets, resident alien, recent flight-school attendance, whatever) your luggage and you get an extra close look at the airport.

    This would help EVERYONE - especially us frequent flyers who, based on history of travel, credit score, income, whatever, are not a threat and shouldn't have to go to the airport 3 hours early to get frisked 3 times enroute home from a 12 hour meeting in New Jersey.

    (ok, maybe it's just me griping about my own experiences!...)

  13. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Yeah Breeze,

    I plan for the fly boys at Wright Patterson Air Force Base here in Ohio.

    I heard the same thing.

  14. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    They also told me not to tell anyone.
  15. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Soon they will require a stool sample.

  16. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    LMAO!! if they start testing body fluids, I am not going to fly. That's that.

    I kind of suspect it will be a sort of "terrorist score" - actually, I don't believe these dudes will be trying the same thing again, since a planeload of old ladies would probably take them down, hahahaha. But then again, who knows what idiocy lurks within their twisted heads?

    Re: the plastique, it can't be too secret, if I heard about it, LOLOL. However, it is not in the news that I can find.

    I can tell you for sure that the commercial vehicles are being routed through a single gate at said military installation - I saw the signs myself, and the security level was delta last time I drove by the gate. I think that is a clue that this is fact, not rumor. I will hear more, I'm sure, and I will let you know. Scarey thoughts.....
  17. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    What about terror scoring incoming flights from other countries? Seems to me that would be a concern before bank accounts and atm cards.

    Equifax has lofty international dreams, what a great excuse to take a foothold -- I'll bet they are already working on it.

    Typed from beneath my tinfoil hat with matching suit that allows of course for posting. I've not figured how to secure my fingertip transmissions.

    If my next report shows sassyinaz as an alternate name, I'll start plotting straight away.

    The missing explosives and pipe bomb article is scary, especially the attempted down-playing of it into a prank.

    In the good ole days, a prank used to be midnight toiletpapering someone's front yard and running around your car before the light turned green ;-)

  18. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member


  19. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

    I smell huge lawsuits as well.
  20. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

    I have to disagree on the McCarthy thing. It seems that his movement enbodied the concept of "everyone is a communist". Now, we are in the age of "everyone is a terrorist". Politicians are running with this thing and we are going to pay for it mentally and financially. There will always be desentors(sp?) but it seems like the concept used in grade school, when one person misbehaves the whole class suffers, is being used too prevelantly for my taste. What about just punishing those who do the wrongdoing? They need to start keeping tabs on the ones who need it and leave the rest of us alone.

    The rest, you are on point. If they are going to check people, then they better check everyone including the 80 year old grandma because you never know what she has in her knitting bag!!! ;-)

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