Credit Check 4 Plane Tickets

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Butch, Jun 7, 2002.

  1. sassyinaz

    sassyinaz Well-Known Member

    Heck Butch,

    I love brain aerobics you never have to worry about agreeing or disagreeing with me, I hope none of us have that worry.

    That's what I like about this board, it's not stale and stagnant, one thought leads to another and to another and pretty soon we've found a new or different or tried-and-true old way of dealing with what we all have in common.

    It's about, learning and sharing and growing, from discussion, and that includes agreeing and disagreeing, how boring we'd all be if we just nodded along -- and I definately think this is not a board of nodders.

    I appreciate and respect your thoughts, Butch, because they are yours and because you contribute, as I do everyone here -- because the contribution is valuable to the dynamics of the group. As a group and as individuals within a group, we are effective and smarter indeed.

    The subject of this thread is disturbing to me, as a person, as a part of a country, as a part of the world -- I hope it is to each of us, but truly, I believe it can only be best addressed through intelligent discussion.

    How much liberty do we give up for security, there's the question, how much have we already given up that we don't know about and does the giving, really in the end, give us more security, that's what I want to know.

  2. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member

    Thanx Sassy,

    This afternoon I wrote a really long reply but after reading it I decided not to post because it's not really credit related. I thought if I were PBM I'd pull it. Let me just say that if the Gov't wants to pull CR's for plane tickets they can and will. And that doesn't mean I like it or agree with it.

    I appreciate you too and EVERYONE else on the board. I have learned a great deal in a very short time. As a result of studying financial issues for 22 years now, I've become aware of some things that are very disturbing indeed. I usually conclude, in my head at least, that I'd prefer not to have ever found out.

    But we will get through it. I think we are making progress, albeit slowly, with the credit reporting industry. I think you guy's on here are true Patriots.
  3. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    LOL, butch, good thinking. I agree, there are things that we can't change, however the continuously rising tide of young people, who believe they can, accomplishes a lot towards keeping the balance where it needs to be.

    When I was young, we wore flowers in our hair and demonstrated, hehe.

    The process goes on...

    GEORGE Well-Known Member


    ...didn't like the "TP" deal...I had to HELP the neighbor girls clean up their "TP" mess...they were the top CHEERLEADERS!!!

    Probably the FOOTBALL team did it???
  5. Butch

    Butch Well-Known Member


    On Holloween we used to hide up in the trees with garden hoses and spray all the little monsters.

    Man did I get in trouble.

    Hey Breeze, why don't you start a new thread, favorite practical jokes.

  6. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    ummm.... would have to be favorite practical credit jokes, I think. ;)
  7. milkmom

    milkmom Well-Known Member

    You guys were sssssssooooooooo bad!! ;-)

    I never played any jokes but the worst one I saw was the egging of a teacher's car the last day of school. This teacher was much disliked by all.
  8. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    Summer camp - counselor in bed asleep - we carried her bed, counselor in it, out into the woods and left it there.

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