Credit Company confuses me with dad

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by trom, Aug 16, 2005.

  1. trom

    trom New Member

    I recently tried to obtain a credit report through and was unable to complete the online steps. I came to a spot where it indicated that I had taken out a mortgage loan in June 05, an auto loan in June 00, and another loan November 00. It then asked for the companies I was dealing with and monthly payments.

    None of this is true. I am a college student, and I have a credit card which has been paid in full every month. That is the only thing that should be on my report. I have never taken out a loan. My credit, to my knowledge, should be perfect.

    My father and I share the same first and last name, but not middle. In order to file a dispute every site I've looked at requires me to have a copy of my credit report and various numbers and dates along with it. I can't even get a credit report, though, since I can't answer the questions! I am not willing to "fake" it and obtain the information from my father, as I can easily see that coming up to hurt me in the future. What steps should I take to straighten this out? Please help!
  2. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Those "verification" techniques clearly will not work when your file is already mixed with your father's. You want to get it unmixed, not establish further "evidence" that you are the same person.

    Request your credit reports directly from the CRAs, sending a copy of your driver's license and SS card. You might also include a copy of a recent utility bill showing your current address to which you are requesting the report to be sent.

    Although you can get a form to request a free annual report from one or more of the CRAs at the official site:

    you may be better off working with each CRA separately until the files are fixed, even if it costs a few $$.

    If you are rejected for credit, get a copy of the adverse action notice from the rejecting lender. It should indicate which report(s) they pulled, and can also be used to get a free copy from that CRA.

    Keep copies of everything. You will need to work with each CRA to get their files fixed. It could become more damaging, if, say, your father missed a payment or 2, or, God forbid, he died. Your own access to credit could be locked up.
  3. christy461

    christy461 Active Member

    I'm helping my son clear up his files for the same reason. Unfortunately his dad was not responsible, and my son is left with about 12 charge offs of huge amounts, a $10000 child support debt(which has been on his credit reports since he was 12-haven't gotten to that one yet!) and 4 credit card accounts that are either judgments or charge offs. In all, there is $47000 of debt on his credit reports.He's 19.

    We did start with sending ID, etc., but found it didn't help. Neither did disputing SS#, although that was only tried once. As a last resort we're taking the ugliest ones and disputing as not mine, working up to a lawsuit if needed. Several have easily dropped off at the verification stage. One is in court right now, the other is in the filing stages. Child Support is next on the list.

    Lately it has been easier dealing with the CRAs and CAs rather than OCs. I don't know why.

    I wish you better luck than we've had- you have to keep pecking at them. And it takes forever.Seems the more of a nuisance you are, the more willing they are to get rid of you. Good Luck!
  4. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Lovely! He's dinged for his own back child support! That one would be great in court! Might even make the news, if they're stupid enough to let it get that far. Their defense would be, no doubt, that they have systems to maintain the highest accuracy, and they just made a bone-fide error, regardless of how many times they ignored the obvious.

    As you have probably already discovered, being right is not enough to get the problem fixed. The first round people are not paid to think.

    I concluded a while back that some part of my financial well-being over the rest of my life would be affected by people far less competent than I. That the rules they operated under merely hid and preserved their ability to ineptly continue. That the on-going costs of other people's mistakes is comparable to the time it costs to fix them. In other words, they are barely tolerable. Now I have no tolerance, and have had to learn to be an a$$h*le, since the alternative was being a sucker. Just one of life's lessons.
  5. christy461

    christy461 Active Member

    Well said!
  6. Jayleen

    Jayleen New Member

    Well, this appears to have come full circle. I'm a dad who's credit card has been reported on my daughter's report and is making it difficult for her to get a home loan! My credit rating is very good (bigger income) but when her report got tagged for 3 weeks with one of my cards, her rating took a nosedive and the mortgage company hiked her rate!

    So now I'm looking for a way to clean it up!

    Thoughts? tia
  7. christy461

    christy461 Active Member

    I've had a lot of success just calling the credit card company. If your account is in good standing, they're usually happy to help. Mine was corrected on the credit reports within 24 hrs. when the CRAs were reporting my card wrong.Same with a bank account from my credit union. All it takes is a phone call from the OC and the CRAs update immediately.

    Once it's corrected, show it to the mortgage company. I have also had mortgage companies (2)accept a written statement from the OC saying the account was not mine, and they figured the loan without it.

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