Credit Confusion

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by herbie9, Jul 20, 2005.

  1. herbie9

    herbie9 New Member

    what if i found out that a debt that was not mine, but showed on my credit report was sold by the original creditor to a collection agency. The collection agency has never bothered to contact me.

    i have already contacted the credit agencies. and that was the result, three differenct answers.

    for a debt that is not mine:

    when One of the agencies have completely removes it off my credit report, another keeps the original creditor and deletes the collection agency, and another deletes the original creditor and keeps the collection agency.

    now this is confusing

    i have already contacted the original creditor.....their response is that they sold the debt to the collection agency.

    so i think my plan to send a verification letter to the collection agency is still a good idea.
  2. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    By all means request validation from the CA. Do it CRRR, and indicate that this is not your account. Request the original creditor, original account number, date originally opened, applicant name and billing address provided with original application, copy of original application, final balance, and date and amount of last payment, address to which last statement was sent, etc.

    You will likely be able to determine either that this a misidentification, or id theft, based on your response. You can proceed to file a police report for id theft, if necessary, or file suit under FDCPA should they fail to remove and continue to report erroneous information.

    You can also dispute with the OC, regardless of whether they have sold it. They have apparently verified it as yours to at least one CRA. Should the OC agree the account is not yours, get it in writing and use that to get the CA to agree to removal.

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