Credit Counseling

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by charlieslex, Nov 25, 2001.

  1. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    A friend has been through Consumer Credit Counseling and it shows up on her report. They told her that it would help her with creditors. I told her that's BS. She has tried to get it off, but to no avail. What is the best way to get it off ........besides, not mine. Thanks Charlie
  2. Reshod

    Reshod Well-Known Member

    did they sign a contract?

    and if so, what are the constraints of the contract?

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    NOT THAT I AGREE WITH BK...but it seems that it is better for MOST since 2 years post BK many have got a mortgage <10% and UNSECURED credit cards...MANY that have gone the route of CCCS haven't even been able to get a 100% SECURED CREDIT CARD!!!


    I haven't done either...and wouldn't.
  4. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Make no mistake -- both BK and CCCS tradeline notations are removeable. I can't see how BK trades would be easier to remove.


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