credit debt problem

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ctpc, Mar 9, 2005.

  1. ctpc

    ctpc New Member

    In November 05 I visited a lawyer that deals with bankrupcy issues. I was seeking advice on aternative for paying my bills. After talking with him and giving him some information on the day of the first visit he advise me to stop paying on my credit card because we had agreed on going with the bk. It took me until Feb 05 to pay him off about $500. He called me and told me the day before filling that I was'nt eligible for bk because I had $1,300 combined disposable income. Now all my creditors have dropped me and collection agency are calling me. They want some much money up front and wont settle for payment plans. My credit is ruined. What can I do.
  2. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    You need to "pad" your expenses to bring down that number. A good lawyer should be able to accomplish this for you
  3. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    You could let them all get judgments against you, then you would be a good candidate for BK.
  4. betterbaby

    betterbaby Member

    pd, If I am not working and I have a house and credit card debt of about 8000. plus a judment for 2000. Can I then file bankruptcy chapter 7 I need a fresh start how does this new law knock this. also do I have to give up my car? I have paid over half. will be working in about two weeks. Will the judgment be covered under the bankruptcy?
  5. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    In your first post you said you had $1300 in disposable income, your last post said you are not working ???

    State laws vary as to what property is exempt in BK-7
    Unless the judgment is for a criminal act you committed, it should be dischargeable. As far as the car, it depends how much it's worth, and how much you owe on it. As far as your house, depends on state laws and how much equity there is in it.
    The new BK Bill is not law yet
    BK lawyers usually give a free first consultation...if the first one didn't work out, go to a more experienced BK lawyer in your area
  6. betterbaby

    betterbaby Member

    the first post is not from me it is from ctp
  7. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    oh, i see...sorry
    ignore my first paragraph
    the rest applies
  8. betterbaby

    betterbaby Member

    I did speak with a lawyer will file within the next 30 days actually it feels likea relief even though I agonized over the possibility ( having to file bankruptcy) for months. The judgement of the CC card just pushed me over the edge. I is funny offered to pay what I thought I really owed roughly 65% of the asking amount. Now they will get nothing. weird

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