Credit for Business???

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by MannyL, Jul 25, 2004.

  1. MannyL

    MannyL Well-Known Member

    I currently do minor computer work for people on the side. When I buy something I have been paying cash because I have no credit cards I can use (I have cards just no open accounts) I would like to be able to get some business credit cards but don't know if running a business out of where is allowed. I live at home and don't want to cause any problems for my parents. I wouldn't have people comming to my location just packages shipped here and not daily. I remember reading in another post you can incorpriate a business then register your business with D&B and start applying for credit cards but that was an old post, is that still a valid method. I'd be looking for lines of credit under 1000.00
  2. KevPochop

    KevPochop Well-Known Member

    What kind of corporate credit are you looking for? Corp Visa? Staples?
  3. MannyL

    MannyL Well-Known Member

    I do most of my purchasing at Staples, Circuit City and so a Visa/MC would be the best option otherise a store card for Staples.

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