Credit Fraud

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by prpledrms, Oct 6, 2004.

  1. prpledrms

    prpledrms Well-Known Member

    I had a fellow colleague come to me a few minutes back and told me she tried to get financed for something and she was told that there was two separate ssn under her name and some unrecognzied companies whom she was told one of the names. I immedieately got online and gave her the three fraaud alert numbers for the CRA's and told her to call the one company and let them know. Is there anything else she can do inthe meantime...thanks
  2. pd11604

    pd11604 Well-Known Member

    She should order all 3 copies of her CR's and check them for accuracy
  3. KevPochop

    KevPochop Well-Known Member

    The SSN can be a mistype of one of her current accounts as well. For example my friend has 3 accounts with Citi. One of the accounts has part of her SSN backwards. That reported to the credit bureau. Before adding a fraud alert she needs to check if there are any unauthorized accounts on her credit bureau report.
  4. prpledrms

    prpledrms Well-Known Member

    There are unauthorized accounts and the people who she was trying to get financed through for some reason wouldnt show her the report but she has three of them on the way.

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