credit freeze!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by musiclover, Apr 13, 2008.

  1. musiclover

    musiclover New Member

    I tried to check my credit report this year, and am notified I cannot view it because it's had a "freeze" placed on it. Apparently I am the only one who is supposed to be able to do that...but I never did such a thing! I am ready to submit a resume for a job I really want, but seems pointless when I can't even find out why the report is frozen. They ask for a pin # to see it, but again, I don't have that since I never placed the freeze. How can I possibly find out what this is about? They offer only written corresondence as an option. This will cause me to miss out on the job opportunity. Who can I call to clear this up right away?

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