Credit In A Sorry State-My Fault

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by RCourtsjr, Nov 2, 2005.

  1. RCourtsjr

    RCourtsjr New Member


    Just sent validation letters today to some charge off OC's It seemed that this was the best place to start for me. Can anyone give me some advice on my situation. I have been reading some of the posts and replies here. Some of you guys are sent from heaven. My dad & I got our CR's merged I'm a junior and it was absolute hell for him. I felt so terrible but did not know what to do. He has perfect and I mean 848 score credit now but had to wait 7 yrs to get this stuff to disappear from his report. I am tired of my family suffering from my crappy credit and for that matter I now realize that my crappy credit makes me an irresponsible member of society. I have just refinanced my house and will pay on time from now on. The note has gone down $400 per month and I just got a major pay raise. Also, I am only two $1098.47 payments from paying off Chevy Chase bank for a work van w/equipment. I have an unsecured cap 1 card Limit 300.00 and pay it off literally every day as I have the ability to do it online. Are there any other cards like this? Should I get another card? Maybe a secured one? If so, which? And would it help my credit? Anyway here goes. It feels good to finally grow up. Thanks for any advice. CR on next post. I have exceeded the character limit.
  2. Captiva

    Captiva Member

    Yes there are a few credit grantor's like the one you have. The key here is making sure the credit grantor's actually reports to the three CBR's.

    We help reestablish credit, and we do this "free" of charge. Call me or email me for more information.

    Good luck,

    Jim Baldwin CEO
    Captiva Financial

    (800) 446-0087

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