Credit Investigation lowers Score??

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by smellme28, Apr 2, 2005.

  1. smellme28

    smellme28 New Member

    I was hoping someone out there may know the answer to this question. I submitted an investigation on two accounts on my credit report and the score dropped by 40 points. Once the investigation is done, does the score go back up? Anyone ever seen anything like this?

    Thanks for any input!!!!! =)
  2. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    What else changed on the credit reports generating the score?

    If you disputed an account, and it was marked in dispute, possibly removing it from being included in your FICO score calculation, and it had contributed to your length of credit history, that might drop your score. The negative aspects you were disputing might have been outweighed by other positive aspects of that tradeline.
  3. kbanger

    kbanger Well-Known Member

    Ontrack is correct. It may have shorten your history
  4. jlynn

    jlynn Well-Known Member

    FICO just changed their scoring model as well - I think on 3/31 or 4/1. Alot of people are seeing score drops - for no other reason.

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