credit law

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ciprian, Jun 3, 2005.

  1. ciprian

    ciprian New Member

    i need to know what can i do if they are going to pass the new bankrupcy law .
  2. Trade4Livn

    Trade4Livn Well-Known Member

    They HAVE passed the new bankruptcy bill. Bush signed it on April 15th so you have 180 days before it goes into effect. During this 180 day period, the procedure is the sames as it has been. Beginning on October 15 the courts will subject you to a state mandated minimum income threshhold in determing whether you qualify for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 or not at all. I would seek an attorney for further details if that is a consideration for you. You didn't provide any details on your situation, but bk may not always be the correct choice for credit issues. Post if you need suggestions.
  3. solnets2

    solnets2 Member

    If you need advice or an overview on BK before you file, email me.

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