Credit Limit Decrease

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by ceretta82, Apr 3, 2009.

  1. ceretta82

    ceretta82 Member

    BOA has decreased my credit limit (I have never been late, never missed a payment, I haven't even used the card in a year). Is there anyway to get my credit limit increased to where it was?
  2. ccbob

    ccbob Well-Known Member

    There's your reason.

    They figure if you're not going to use it, then you won't miss it and they'll be able to reduce their exposure.
  3. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    They're doing it to virtually everyone. You're lucky they didn't close it.
  4. Dumb Bob

    Dumb Bob Well-Known Member

    The other replies are correct. You should look at what you have and find ways to make your position stronger. We are in difficult times. No one wants to risk anything. Show people who are risking with you that you are there for them. I mean pay on time, pay more than the minimum, that sort of thing. That's about it. And that won't get you your credit line back, at least right away, but it might help you prevent more problems.
  5. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    BOA used to be the king of CLI increases. Unfortunately, they, like AMEX and many others, are now heading in the opposite direction. No one is lending it seems . . . very difficult to get hardly anything.
  6. DarleneEav

    DarleneEav Member

    If they don't help you find a new credit card.
  7. trish6103

    trish6103 Well-Known Member

    I work for a credit card company (please don't hurt me, I need a paycheck!). I get calls daily from BofA and Chase cardholders who are getting their CL decreased, card closed, APR doubled, etc.
    I do balance transfers ALL DAY LONG from these companies.
  8. cap1sucks

    cap1sucks Well-Known Member

    How can new corporations get started building lines of corporate credit without using crappy low limit credit cards and owners having to make personal guarantees?
  9. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    Simple, they can't.

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