Why does my free credit report through annualcreditreport.com give me more info on my accounts than the credit report I get through truecredit where i pay $15 per month. Also, only part of my account number is written in on each listing? If i want to request validation, don't I need my full account number? My equifax credit score on my truecredit credit report is 714. Is that my real score, or is it a FAKO? I received my credit report from equifax 8 months ago and my score was 579. I haven't really done anything since then, so how could my score go up that much?....and why can i still not get approved for a credit card? I have nothing new that's negative on my credit in the past 4 years. Thanks, Tim
Because the reports you receive from annualcreditreport.com are reports from the CRA's themselves rather than a hotch-pot one could gain about the other two. True Credit produces an internal Trans Union score which no lender uses.
You do not need the whole account number to file disputes, if you use what is on the credit report they will still be able to identify your account. The account numbers are shortened on purpose for your protection in case someone was to get a copy of your credit report. Be sure to list the key info like date account was opened, just in case you have more then one account with the company.