Credit Monitoring & Score Watching

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Big Al, Jun 8, 2009.

  1. Big Al

    Big Al Active Member

    Hello All,

    I've been absent from the board since last year (or was it 2007?). Hope all the gurus are still healthy, wealthy and wise.

    Anyway, to refresh: I did a great job on my own credit and my girlfriend's credit reports with lots of help from the helpful credit eggheads here. Canceled TrueCredit when monitoring was no longer necessary for either of us since most of the things I needed fixed were fixed. Now I'm thinking I want to have a peek just to make sure everything is still copacetic (for both of us) and if something is bad, I'd start paying for monthly monitoring again while I'm attempting repairs.


    I've read a few threads and I see that TrueCredit no longer allows daily pulls. What's up with that? Some people mentioned CreditCheck Total is good. So my question is, who should I be using these days? Obviously I'm going to want to pull daily reports and FAKO scores while I try to fix anything if necessary. TrueCredit was great for monitoring and taking off inquiries. Who is the new champ?

    Thanks -- Alex
  2. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    CreditExpert from Experian . . .
  3. Big Al

    Big Al Active Member

    Thanks Apex. First question: I searched the boards for info on CreditExpert and I saw one thread (that you participated in coincidentally) where people were a little concerned with the fact that they only let you pull Experian. But I see that they have a "3 Bureau Report with PLUS Score". Do you know if this latter product lets you pull 3 bureaus and scores daily as you monitor? Second Question: There is no pricing on the site. I read in that aforementioned thread that it's $10 for the Experian only product. How much does the 3 bureau product cost monthly? Thanks.

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