credit monitoring

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by dixiecup, Jan 9, 2008.

  1. dixiecup

    dixiecup Well-Known Member

    Has anyone had any experience with 'mycreditkeeper' credit monitoring service? I read about it somewhere but I can't remember where so I can't go back and research.

    Just wondering if it was a reputable service or not.

  2. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    You'd be much better served by going with True Credit. Neither are any good in terms of scoring but, TC has some benefits in removing certain things . . . .
  3. Tegleg

    Tegleg Well-Known Member

    I use two services,

    My Privacy Matters, runs about 22 a month to pull a 3 in 1 credit report. You can pull a new report every 24+ hours with it. My hubby is registered on my acct & he can pull his too. They are a Truecredit reseller. I chose them because the other monitoring services are for one acct & I wanted hubby to have access too. There are two seperate sites, privacymatters123 & Myprivacymatters. I beleive 123 is more expensive, but I got mine a year ago so I could be wrong.

    There are others out there too, I know Exp has one & Chase too, I'm sure there are others also.

    I need to note though, some peeps have found that by pulling thier reports every 24 + 1 min they have been able to get hard inquiries to drop off of TU & Equifax. It has never worked on Exp. Something about filling up your credit report with soft pulls forcing the hard inquiries off. However not too long ago Truecredit figured this out and starting cancelling accts of peeps that were pulling every day or even less. The excuse that was given was "attempts to manipulate the credit reporting system"

    What is so bad is that some peeps who got axed didn't even know about "bumping inquiries" and still got cancelled. So if you get a service like this be aware of the potential risks of pulling a report every day. I don't recommend it myself. I only bring it up because I feel everyone should know of that risk.

    Equifax Scorewatch: I don't pull reports with it (although you do get two free Scorewatch reports) but it allows me to see what my Equifax FICO is, it updates when a change occurs to your Equifax file or weekly I beleive. It's the only service I know of besides WaMu's that allows you to see a actual FICO score. I think Wamu's monitors TU's FICO? I am not sure since I don't have a WaMu card. Some peeps app for the WaMu card just for that benefit, I tried several monthes ago & was denied...bah..
    Anyhow Equifax Scorewatch runs about 6.95 a month for me.

    There are tons of services out there. I hope you find what you need.

  4. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    Good advice concerning the TC cancellations. I had forgotten about that. If they do cancel, you can go to PM.

    As for Equifax, stay away from ScoreWatch products to pull reports on any more than a marginal basis. It's been known to split files and that can be a cumbersome issue to resolve with them.

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