Credit Protection won't remove

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Trying2Fix, Jul 16, 2006.

  1. Trying2Fix

    Trying2Fix Well-Known Member

    I have been reading this board for several months, and have learned a lot of ways to fix many of the mistakes I have made over the years and I have gotten positive results over the past two months. However, I have one particular problem with "Credit Protection Agency" regarding a collection on my Equifax credit report.

    There are 2 collection tradelines for the exact same account. Here is what they say:

    Credit Protection; Collection Reported 06/2006; Assigned 12/2001; Client - Comcast; Amount - $952; Status as of 06/2006 - Checked; Date of 1st Delinquency 09/2001; Balance as of 06/2006 - $0; Individual Account; Account # - 6208XXXXX; ADDITIONAL INFORMATION - Consumer Disputes - Reinvestigation in Process; Address: PO BOX 802055 Dallas TX 75380-2068

    Credit Protection; Collection Reported 07/2006; Assigned 12/2001; Client - Comcast; Amount - $970; Status as of 06/2006 - Checked; Date of 1st Delinquency 09/2001; Balance as of 06/2006 - $0; Individual Account; Account # - 6208XXXXX; ADDITIONAL INFORMATION - Consumer Disputes - Reinvestigation in Process; Address: PO BOX 802055 Dallas TX 75380-2068

    The account number is the same on both tradelines, they were assigned on the same date, but the amounts are different. However, I never paid anything on this account. What happened was that I moved out of my apartment and cancelled my account, but my roommate never returned the boxes. It went to collection a month later and I had another friend get the boxes and return them to Comcast. There was no amount ever owed or paid.

    I have disputed this with Equifax and sent DV and other letters to Credit Protection. I have talked with them nicely on the phone, even just to find out why there are 2 tradelines - that must be making my score even worse, right?

    What can I do to get rid of this? Get Comcast involved? PLEASE HELP OR ADVISE! Thanks!!
  2. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    By all means get Comcast involved. The CA has no interest in acknowledging that the boxes were returned. If you don't owe anything, they don't get anything.

    Get Comcast to acknowledge that the boxes were returned, and that no amount is due. Get it in writing, and get them to notify the CA. You should then be ready to get the CA to remove. Did your friend get a receipt for returning the boxes?

    No. It is not how it is supposed to work, but Comcast has more interest in customer goodwill than any CA. They also have to answer to cities that license their franchise, state regulators,etc.
  3. Trying2Fix

    Trying2Fix Well-Known Member

    My friend did get a receipt from Comcast, but that was in December 2001 and I don't have it anymore.

    But I did call Comcast and speak to customer service and they told me to go to the local Comcast office where the boxes were returned and that they should have all the history if not in their computer system then at least on microfiche (it supposedly goes back like 7 years), so I am going to try and get up there tomorrow to see if I can get something in writing from Comcast to send to the CA.
  4. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    It does at least show $0 balance.

    Once you get something in writing from Comcast, you also want to get them to direct their CA to remove it.

    Do you have any other negatives other than this?
    What are your scores?
  5. Trying2Fix

    Trying2Fix Well-Known Member

    So I refreshed the TrueCredit account and guess what, both tradelines from the CA on my Equifax were removed, however one each on Exp and TU remain. I am now going to fight those over and over until they're gone.

    As for everything else, yeah I do have some other things. Tell me what you think. First, all my scores are in the mid to high 500's. My 5 active credit cards are all finally under the balance and have been on time for the past few months. I am working on the following:

    Applied Card Bank - I disputed several times and it was just removed from Equifax but remains on Exp and TU. I just disputed with them again.

    MBNA - Also disputed several times and it was just removed from Equifax and Exp but remain on TU. I just disputed it again with them.

    Wachovia Recovery (bank account) that was charged off but I paid the balance because I needed to open a new account in January. I have disputed it with all 3 several times, each time comes back that the information is correct. I sent a goodwill letter to Wachovia and got a letter back from them saying that they do not remove accurate information. Any ideas???

    LVNV Funding - Disputed all 3 several times, was just removed frrom Experian, but remain on Equifax with balance of $0 and on TU with balance of $4683. I just disputed with them again.

    How long do you think until I can get my scored in the 650's?

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