credit protections

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by sdbrit68, Apr 10, 2006.

  1. sdbrit68

    sdbrit68 Member

    anyone know of these guys....i have a p.o. box, but cant find an actual address to send a summons too.

    appreciate any help

  2. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member shows this, but it doesn't sound like a CA, but some CC "fraud" protection service:

    237 Park Avenue, 21st Fl.
    New York, NY 10164
    View Location Map

    Original Business Start Date: 1/1/1993

    Principal: Bruce Lewis, CEO

    Phone Number: (800) 361-8725

    Additional Phone Numbers:
    (212) 551-1478 (800) 822-8759 (212) 754-8875
    (800) 822-8757 (800) 328-2488 (800) 980-4917

    Fax Number: (800) 822-8759

    Type of Business: Title Companies

    Membership Status: This company is not a member.

    The information in this report has either been provided by the company, or has been compiled by the Bureau from other sources.

    Customer Experience

    The company's size, volume of business, and number of transactions may have a bearing on the number of complaints received by the BBB. The number of complaints filed against a company may not be as important as the type of complaints, and how the company handled them. The BBB generally does not pass judgment on the validity of complaints filed.

    Complaint Outcome Statistics:

    Complaint Outcome Last 12 Months Last 12..36 Months Total
    TOTAL 0 0 0
    Complaint Issues:

    Please understand that complaints may concern more than one issue

    Complaint Issue Last 12 Months Last 12..36 Months Total
    TOTAL 0 0 0
    Additional Information
    This firm offers personal property identification services and fraud protection on credit cards. Consumers are advised to check with their credit card company and find out their liability in case of fraud. Federal law limits liability to no more than $50 per card.
    Additional Business Names

    This firm also does business under the following names. This is not necessarily a complete list.

    Consumer Protective Services

    Consumers Protection Service

    Credit Protection Services

    Data Corporation

    Report as of: 4/11/2006
  3. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    If you have a P.O. Box, you can ask the Post Office for the physical address, for purposes of legal service.

    In addition, with the physical address, you should be able to get city or county business license information, ownership, etc.

    If it is incorporated, the Secretary of State in that state should have on file the name and address for service of process.

    If it is not incorporated, they would have still filed a DBA in the county where they are located, in order to open their bank account, and possibly to obtain the P.O. Box in that name, if nothing else.
  4. sdbrit68

    sdbrit68 Member

    very good idea...thank you. They are ignoring my second validation request, as well as my first, so i figure maybe they would like to explain why to a judge,

    when we get there, my complaint will be for reporting a debt during validation....not whether i actually owe it, because i do owe half.

    again thanks
  5. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    One of the purposes for validation is to determine whether the amount claimed as due is correct.

    Also dispute thru the CRA. Otherwise they can just blame the CRA, or claim they reported before getting your dispute.

    Provided you have disputed within 30 days of their first letter. they should not verify to the CRA if they have not validated to you, since that is continued collection.
  6. sdbrit68

    sdbrit68 Member

    this is an old one, but i dont recall ever hearing from them.
    so i sent one validation, no response.
    sent a second with stronger wording and threat of a lawsuit with today being the deadline.

    so i think my only recourse is small claims court

    any other suggestions
  7. Always

    Always Well-Known Member

    Did you dispute through the CRA, too?

    That's important.
  8. sdbrit68

    sdbrit68 Member

    I disputed through them, but i understand thats a cursory check.......they basically ask if the debt is mine and thats it.

    I did let the cra's know i was asking for validation of the debt. Do i validate through the cra's also?

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