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Credit Repair - An Obsession?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by dlo64, Jun 6, 2001.

  1. Cyprigirl

    Cyprigirl Well-Known Member

    Guys don't you get it!

    G. Fisher is just a self -promoter, who wants to annoy you and then you check out his website and he probably makes money off of every hit to his website. He usually never says anything constructive, except to call people liars and game players.
    and make accusations.

    Personally, he does not bother me, but when you constantly talk about him or to him, you continue to promote him.

    In my humble opinion, its best to ignore him and get back to real reason why mostly everyone is here.....that is tips on credit repair.

    Although I admit is amusing to see the board fighting with him.

    Cyprigirl :)
  2. godaddyo

    godaddyo Well-Known Member

    It is so funny and I think I enjoy the break!
  3. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Guys don't you get it!

    Oh I get it. I think Greg is amusing as well as stubborn, obstinate, and opinionated, but he is intelligent and although he will stick to his guns until he is unconscious he brings up interesting points of view. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Also, I think arguing, fighting, and devils advocating are distinctly different. It is good to have an opposing point of view, no matter how whacked out. Look at the interesting things that Pat, Daddyo, Squawk etc... have brought up in relation to Greg's post.

    I like it.

  4. Pat

    Pat Well-Known Member

    Greg: I disagree

    I imagine that we could do this back and forth all day with neither of us changing our opinions. Then again maybe one of us would, but I doubt it. I've been to your sites and spent hours reading your correspondance. I applaud what you are trying to accomplish. I'm not trying to get into a p&%#ing contest with you, I just happen to not agree with you.

    I was able to get my finance charge for $10 less because I was an informed consumer. I exercised my rights to dispute inaccurate information. Most people don't know this, is that my fault? I'm not saying it's fair or that I agree with it, thats the way it is for now. When you change it, maybe it will be fair. Let's say I did lie to get a removal. It would go away in 2 years anyway, does that mean I'm still a liar, because I allowed it to be removed because it obsoleted after 7 years. There are all kinds of reasons why people have negatives. I haven't had any for years. Why? Because I'm now informed, I know the results of my credit actions in full. I don't want to cheat someone out of their money, but I don't want to pay for a billion dollar companies mistakes either. When I let my last payment slip out 2 mos because I was broke, I didn't know it would be charged off, I didn't even know what a charge off was or what my credit report looked like. Does that make it right? No. Is it my fault? Yes. Should I be punished for 7 years? That's what the law says, but it also says I can dispute it.

    What do you know about my ethics?
    You've never lied once in your life?
    How about this instead. Because I've learned that any and all of your credit indiscretions follow you for 7 years and that a late,late payment becomes a chargeoff, and that CRA's put erroneous information on your credit reports, and ......

    Maybe, I would teach my offspring to be credit conscious. Maybe, I would teach them to review their credit reports and make sure the CRA's aren't reporting false information.

    Because of lies? I say it's because I'm informed. And if you put "economic pressure" on me to make it less affordable to me, so be it, I may not like it, but if it's within your rights, I can't stop it. Like I said before, It's not fair, I may not like it, but thats the way it is right now. And I will exercise my rights.

  5. G. Fisher

    G. Fisher Banned

    Re: Greg: I disagree

    The lies with which I'm concerned are by the creditors, albeit suggested by consumers.

    Given that it is based on a bunch of lies by creditors who use them as a bargaining chip with deadbeats, how accurate would you say the credit scoring system is? The creditors are kidding themselves. "Re-aging"? What a hoot.

    The banking system is dependent upon fair and accurate credit reporting. Inaccurate credit reports directly impair the efficiency of the banking system, and unfair credit reporting methods undermine the public confidence which is essential to the continued functioning of the banking system.

    Who disagrees?
  6. Pat

    Pat Well-Known Member

    Greg: I Agree

    Couldn't you have just short cutted to your last post and saved me all that typing? (just kidding)

    Of course I agree, the system stinks. And hopefully you, me, someone, lots of people, can change it.

    But while it is how it is, I will work it to my advantage, if I can.

  7. godaddyo

    godaddyo Well-Known Member

    Re: Greg: I disagree

    The banking system is dependent on our ignorance. They rely on the fact that they never really lend anything. They have the monopoly on all money. They create money whenever they give you a loan. Where do you think the money actually comes from? The customers of the bank? No, it doesnt come from the customers. It comes form thin air. The banks lend funds that dont even exist. I can prove it to you if you wish to email me in person. We can discuss this further. THis is not a conversation for people who need to repair their credit.. So the reality is that banks need us. They need us for their survival. They will never recieve accurate information form a credit reporting agency, all due to the fact that their is no way a reporting agency can really provide the type of information they need. It is not because a select group of people have repaired their credit. I would think that those people that have repaired their credit have a new found respect for the system. They would do more than most to protect themselves from future harm. THose who are oblivious are the ones in danger. They stroll along everday thinking that the banks have their best interests at heart. Ya right!!!
  8. Squawk1200

    Squawk1200 Well-Known Member

    Re: Greg: I disagree

    Who knows how accurate the system is? Has Fair, Issac or anyone else done research on the default rates of those tha have undertaken a "repair" strategy compared to those who have not, given the same credit score??

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: Greg: I disagree


    NO BK

    F.I.C.O. 690...690...NOW...685

  10. Cyprigirl

    Cyprigirl Well-Known Member

    Re: Greg: I disagree


    I agree with you, I think it is good in some weird way to have had bad credit and rebuild it. Because you appreciate credit all the more and use it wisely. I for one has learn the true importance of good credit and I know that as long as I am healthy and strong and able to work I will not mess up again.

    Agreed there are a lot of blind people walking around with a false sense of security that it could never happen to them.

    Banks want it like this so they can control what we spend, where we spend it etc............

    Just my 2 cents!

    Cyprigirl :)
  11. Shantel

    Shantel Well-Known Member

    Hey Marci....

    Good post!
  12. Shantel

    Shantel Well-Known Member

    Re: Greg: I disagree


    I think you have something here. The 7 year rule...that's a law right? Okay, so that means, let's say, I have a charge-off on my credit file and after 7 years, it falls off. Well, the fact the it's not being reported anymore...according to Greg, this is a lie....but wait...isn't it a law?

    It's it a law that CRAs/creditors must validate info and if it's not verifiable, it must be removed. Hmmm, so how is this any different from it just falling off my report (if in both cases, the debt goes unpaid).

    If I negotiate with the creditor to pay for removal (which at some point, it will be removed anyhow) for payment (which for a business, it's all about the dollar bill people), I don't know any company that would not take the money and delete the entry. Point being, at some point, Mr. Businessman will be out of cash and your little entry will no longer affect me. And of course, we all know that as the entry gets older, the less it impacts me at all.
  13. dlo64

    dlo64 Well-Known Member

    Well, I guess I can see that we are all obsessed with this subject :)

    Boy, what an interesting turn my original post has taken.

    GoDaddyo, I really enjoyed reading your posts. What you have said makes sense and you put it very nicely.

    I used to dispute incorrect information just to get it corrected. I would have been happy enough just to get that. But you know what, it didn't work. Gosh, TU can't even get my birthdate right and I have tried countless times to have them correct it even providing proof. (I know that does nothing for my score, but it's the principle.) I too used to think that it was dishonest to get accurate information deleted from your credit report. Well, you are just following the law, you dispute something and if it isn't verified in 30 days, it by law is supposed to be deleted. Yes, the CRA's make tons of money off of us and yes, the CRA's have inaccurate information on our credit reports. What about the creditors that report inaccuracies? The CRA's should be held accountable, but so should the creditors. I still have no idea how Household got the idea that I file a Chapter 13 or 11 as they are reporting on my bureaus. There is only a Chapter 7 public record and that is all I filed. I have my schedule of creditors on the Chapter 7 and guess what...they are on it. A CHAPTER 7, DISCHARGED not a Chapter 13, not a Chapter 11. Even though a Chapter 7 is the kiss of death for your credit, you don't know the H*** I have gone through having been questioned by potential creditors on why I have creditors reporting a Chapter 13 and 11 when I didn't file either. Right now these items are in dispute. I can't wait to see the results of these.

    Anyway, sorry to vent but if creditors and CRA's feel they can just report whatever they feel as it appears they are doing on my bureau, then we have the right to dispute them and at least have them corrected and yes, deleted if they cannot be verified. This has been very frustrating, thus I gues therein lies my obsession.

    You know we get dinged for making mistakes with our credit. Why can't we ding the creditors and the CRA's for making mistakes?
  14. godaddyo

    godaddyo Well-Known Member

    Re: Greg: I disagree

    I would like to go back to the original subject of this thread. It is in my opinion that credit repair syndrome is in itself a much better fix than joining debtors anonymous or one of those self help groups that wont work. IT HAS BEEN SAID, THEREFORE IT IS LAW.

    (Specializing in upper gastointestinal debt relief for the masses)
  15. dlo64

    dlo64 Well-Known Member

    Re: Greg: I disagree


    By the way that was the main reason I had to file BK. I literally went blind. (I know that was not the blind you meant.) Was off of work for four months, tried in desparation not to have to file so we attempted to do a consolidation. Didn't work. When our property taxes more than doubled, we could not afford all the payments.

    Fortunately due to a terrific doctor and surgery, I regained vision in one eye. I was able to return to work although not full time as before. This also caused us to get behind more quickly. Finally BK was our only way out. Yes, you do learn to cherish your credit and manage your money much better once you go through this. I have learned some very hard lessons.
  16. dlo64

    dlo64 Well-Known Member

    Re: Greg: I disagree

    I agree with Godaddyo.

    Okay, gang. All together now...

    My name is (insert your name) and I am a credit repair addict! LOL

    Hey Godaddyo, do you also specialize in credit exorcisms as well :D
  17. G. Fisher

    G. Fisher Banned

    Re: Greg: I disagree

    Please, allow me to take an informal poll. I'll limit the question. I'm sorry: I wasn't clear above-- not clarifying which part of my statment I was referring to.

    Do you agree or disagree with the following?

    The banking system is dependent upon fair and accurate credit reporting. Inaccurate credit reports directly impair the efficiency of the banking system, and unfair credit reporting methods undermine the public confidence which is essential to the continued functioning of the banking system.
  18. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    Re: Greg: I disagree

    The banking system is dependent upon fair and accurate credit reporting.

    I most vehemently disagree. The banking system is not dependent upon fair and accurate credit reporting. If it was, it would be as extinct as the dodo bird. The banking system is dependent upon money, of which there is none. The banks don't have any money, you don't have any money, I don't have any money and neither does anyone else. All any of us have are Federal Reserve Notes which are instruments of debt which we have all been led to believe is money. Lest anyone fail to understand that, a note is an instrument of debt, and I.O.U., a promise to pay. And it is backed by the full faith and confidence of the American people.

    Inaccurate credit reports directly impair the efficiency of the banking system,
    Only indirectly, much in the same manner as inefficient employees might impair the banking or any other system. But the banking system itself is built upon the rock of inefficiency, so it is quite well prepared to deal with the situation. In fact, it relies upon the inefficiency of the average human brain to handle the problems presented to it by the banking system, thereby benefitting the banking system no matter what happens.

    and unfair credit reporting methods undermine the public confidence which is essential to the continued functioning of the banking system.

    Nope! Wrong again!
    Unfair credit reporting methods were specifically designed by the banks in order to protect it's assets from those who might even have the slightest shadow upon their backgrounds. Greed, financial need, practicality, human bungling and boobling and other factors tend to erode the credit reporting industry just as is true with all other human systems. Unfair credit reporting methods help the banking system much more than it hurts it. It's the age old principle of better to be safe than sorry.
  19. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    How do you justify lies on your credit reports??

    That's easy, Greg. You surely don't mean to tell me that you haven't figured that one out yet?

    It's a simple fact of life that many people would rather tell lies on credit than they had to tell the truth for cash. After all the information on your website, one would tend to think you should have figured that out ages ago.

    One must realize that companies of such tremendous wealth didn't get that way by having a monkey in a cute suit holding up a tin cup while cranking out tunes on a crank organ. They got that way by teaching the monkey to grind the organ and hold the tin cup at the same time in the beginning and letting the monkey keep the proceeds of his efforts. After sufficient time had passed, the monkey realized that he didn't have to walk the streets, but in fact had at least part of the means to purchase a method of transportation so that he could find more lucrative spots to grind his organ in, and his trainer, the Italian would even loan him the funds that he did not have to purchase the transportation. What the monkey was not yet smart enough to understand was that the rate of interest would make him a voluntary slave for life. The Italian put the lies in in the monkey's credit report in order to ensure that the monkey would never be able to borrow from others thereby eroding the monkey's ability to borrow from anyone but the Italian.

    That's a nice set of websites you have there. Tons of information there. Must have taken you a long time to get it all gathered up and made into a website. Nice graphics too.

    But one thing I can't figure out is what it's purpose is.

    Oh well, I see lots of websites like that. Lots of pretty graphics, lots of information on it, but no real purpose behind it that is readily apparent even to boobs like me.

    What I like to see is websites that cut right to the chase, lay it all out right up front so I don't have to waste a lot of time trying to figure out if there is anything there worth my time or my money.

    Maybe you will enlighten me. If not, Oh well!
  20. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    I must admit that I am as green as a gourd and as dumb as a fencepost, but I simply fail to see any point to his website at all other than the possibility of his making a few bucks.

    As I am sure you are quite well aware of, I have no objection to that. Every monkey has to get a couple of bananas once in a while somehow.
    After all, if he didn't, he would soon end up with neither the strength to crank the organ nor hold up the tin cup, now would he?

    Although I do believe in giving the monkey his due, I prefer to do so when the tune he plays at least don't waste a ton of my time trying to remember where I heard his tune before.

    It's even worse if I have to figure out if the sounds are actually music or just a racous cacophony of sound generated at random.

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