credit repair firms- post results..

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by kit, Apr 20, 2002.

  1. Keller

    Keller Well-Known Member

    Re: SORRY


    Kit, I apologize for any unwelcome comments. You just seemed to express in your original post that "it was very time consuming and you were too busy to do both". I thought that "time" was your problem. Had I known that you were "set" on using a credit repair company, I would not have tried to give you my "time saving" advice.

    Perhaps breeze is right. Monday might be a better day to check back on your post.


  2. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    Re: SORRY

    Keller- I am not offended. But believe me, I understand I can do it myself. No, I am not set on using a credit repair firm-- but to make an informed decision, I feel it would be helpful to get other people's real life experiences with various companies. That is all I am asking for. enough said on that - shuuuuu-weeee!
  3. Kelly

    Kelly Well-Known Member

    Re: SORRY

    Hubby and I used Lexington. They deleted all but one of hubby's bad accts (bk public record) on TU and did well with Experian also. What they didn't get removed from Equifax with the first few disputes were never removed. We have to dispute locally with Equifax (Credit Bureau of Columbus) and they are a nightmare!!! We bought our house last year and haven't done any more disputing. Some stuff has reappeared. Hubby was sued over a small med bill over 5 years old. The suit was dismissed but equifax still reports it - lawsuit dismissed. Killed his score. I gave up on his reports and just focus on my credit.
  4. radiohead

    radiohead Well-Known Member

    Re: SORRY

    How many total accounts did Lexington get deleted? And how many rounds did they do? Thanks.
  5. Kelly

    Kelly Well-Known Member

    Re: SORRY

    Radiohead -I don't have access to that information right now. We are living in a hotel while the house is being repaired (another 60 to 90 days) I'd say about 40 accounts were deleted. Most from Tu and Experian. I remember lex's first round of disputes were incredible. His bk was around 7 years old and all the "included in bk" accounts were deleted. The experian report investigation results was so thrilling. Deleted, Deleted, Deleted, Deleted, Deleted. I think they disputed every single thing in one dispute!
  6. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    I used Junum to get me started. I did not have the time, I did have the cash to pay someone to do it for me, and I wanted to get started right away without doing the wrong thing. Junum did a wonderful job in that respect. I now do things myself, however given my schedule and circumstances, I would have done the same thing if I had to start all over again. If you do have the time though, I recommend you do it yourself.

    Keep in mind they simply dispute. So when they got some accounts verified and then re-verified, I told them to stop disputing those accounts and I had to do the validation route with the remaining items.

    Here is a synopsis, scroll down because others posted results as well....I see you have tried, but search for junum and lexington again and you can see more posts where I (and others) detailed the results/process. I remember DaveLV started Lex when I started Junum and there were loads of posts discussing the process and the results of each from us and others.

    -Peace, Dave
  7. Dancer

    Dancer Well-Known Member

    Fayetteville, NC has a firm called, (No fooling!) : "Bud's Chainsaw Repair and Income Tax Service" who claims to be able to help improve your Credit Rating. I personally have not availed myself of their services, and maybe I'm being cynical, but I'm not gonna put them down as a leading contender for the job.

  8. stringy27

    stringy27 Member

    Re: Your thread has been hijacked!

    Howdy Kit,
    I began using Junum in January. I paid $50.00 a month which was all inclusive, meaning it did not matter how much they got deleted, it would still only be $50.00. My only problem with them is that it took so long to see results. I ended up with 3 negative deletions and about 6 deleted inquiries. I gained 10 points on EX, 20 points on TU and 15 points on FICO. Overall they are fine to start with but I canceled because I feel I can finish the rest on my own. They sent out numerous letters so they really do try and help you and the problem that they had before regarding positive accounts has been corrected. Overall, if you feel you have to go through a company, then they are as good as any and relatively inexpensive.

  9. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    Re: Your thread has been hijacked!

    For those of you that used lex or junum, how long did you stay with them?
  10. Nave

    Nave Well-Known Member

    Re: Your thread has been hijacked!

    Joined March 21 2001
    Cancelled Sept 06 2001

    I joined Junum giving them 6 months to see results where I would evaluate staying for another 6 months for a 1 year maximum period. As you can see the 6 month evaluation was all it took for me. I would not recommend either Lex or Junum unless you commit to a six month trial, they need time to get things going.

    Again, if you have the time, it is much better to do things for yourself. As I found out, there are always items that simple disputing can not correct. Simple disputing is all these companies do, so you are going to have to do things for yourself sooner or later.

    Good Luck

    -Peace, Dave
  11. Shantel

    Shantel Well-Known Member

    Re: Your thread has been hijacked!

    I jointed Junum last January. My Equifax report was about 15 pages.

    After Junum's first dispute, every negative account I had was gone. Equifax report was 2 pages long. Got a Discover Plat the next month.

    They removed a few more negatives on Experian and TU. I stayed with them 6 months.

    I stopped using them because I felt I'd gathered enough information to be able to confidently do it myself. Plus, during that time, Junum was starting to dispute and have deleted positive accounts.

    I never had a problem with that though.

    If you use them, just put paper over the good accounts so they don't even see them. That's what some people started to do.

    BTW, none of what they disputed came back.
  12. Tripleator

    Tripleator Member

    Re: Your thread has been hijacked!


    A friend of mine used a company called Lexington and some minor results, but they took over six months. I did have another friend who used a small company called Archer Credit Professionals, I guess they are new, but they got her over 20 negative items items removed in 3 months. I guess they have a 3-month program and they contact your creditors directly along with the credit bureaus. My friend has excellent credit now. Thought I would let you know.

  13. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Your thread has been hijacked!

    Hi, Trip... Wow, your friend sure had GREAT results when compared with Lexington! I just discovered an amazing coincidence, by the way! Your nickname "Trip" corresponds (accidentally, probably) with the first syllable of the last name of the guy who owns the internet domain name ""... Here's a link to the public registry maintained by Network Solutions:

    I'll bet the kids on the playground used to call Mr. Matthew Triplett (the registrant for "Trip" too! I can hear it now -- "HEY, TRIP, LOOK ALIVE" and "HEY, TRIP, GO OUT FOR A PASS" etc., lol! Great nickname for gym class, heh. Unfortunately, I never had a cool nickname like "Trip" -- woe is me, heh.

    Oops, there's one more coincidence I just discovered. Notice the IP address next to your Creditnet postings -- ""... If you go to the public utility at the following web address, you'll see that both you and the other trip are located in Salt Lake City! Here's that public utility:

    Just go there and type in "" and press return, then look at the last line of the traceroute info.

    You don't often get to hear of two Trips in Salt Lake City, both of whom would have something nice to say about the same credit repair company!

    Anyway, since it's against the Terms of Service for the other Trip from Salt Lake City to come over here and toot his own horn as a standalone post, it sure was nice of you to do it, though. Your friend sounds like he really got his money's worth. For the $150/month that charges for their "expedited service," I'm glad to hear that was the case.

    By the way, a couple of weeks ago you mentioned that you were a client of So evidently, both you and your friend have had good results! Why didn't you mention that in this posting? After all, this is a general call for members to post their results. Here's that posting:

    Welcome to Creditnet, Trip!


    P.S. It's ok for participants to mention that they work for a company as long as they are up front about it and have a record of contributing in other ways. Several occasional participants here have acknowledged their commercial interests. It's just when a posting is, by itself, an advertisement with no other apparent redeeming value that the Creditnet Terms of Service have been violated. :)
  14. anomaly847

    anomaly847 Guest

    Re: Your thread has been hijacked!

    Of course... We all know that Doc is actually PBM.
  15. pbm

    pbm Administrator

    Re: Archer Credit Professionals

    Dear Members,

    A word of caution: if you are considering signing up online with Archer Credit Professionals please note that their sign up form is not secure. The information you submit will be transmitted over the Internet as clear text. The transmission will not be encrypted.

    Clear-text transmissions are as secure as postcards sent through regular mail. For that reason you should never submit sensitive information via a non-encrypted connection, regardless of which web site it is. We feel it necessary to point this out because Archer's form asks for complete identification information including your social security number.

    In most cases you can determine whether or not your connection to a site is encrypted by looking at the first part of the URL. If the URL begins with "http://" it is not encrypted. If it begins with "https://" the connection is secured and all data passing between your browser and the target server will be encrypted accordingly.

  16. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    Re: Archer Credit Professionals
    800.595.0855 toll free
    413.383.9848 fax<----------------***FAX INFO...OR CALL 800#
    P.O. Box 540313
    North Salt Lake, UT

    Somebody interested may want to ask why the don't use https
  17. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    Re: Your thread has been hijacked!

    I'll take the compliment. :) Thanks! (The question is... does pbm consider it a compliment as well, lol?)

  18. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    Re: Your thread has been hijacked!

    Oy- nothing slips by Doc! Also thanks for the warning pbm, but wouldn't consider them at this point.
  19. Tripleator

    Tripleator Member

    Re: Your thread has been hijacked!

    Kit, I apologize for deceiving you. I do work for the company specified.

    I look into why they don't have secured contact information. I think they were just unaware of it.

    Truthfully, I have worked for Lexington and Archer. I have seen Lexington do amazing things with people's credit reports. Nothing you couldn't do for yourself. When you look at their website you can see their results. The only thing they do is dispute to the credit bureau though. That is all. It can take time, since the credit bureaus have their time limits to respond back. I do work for Archer now, so it would be unfair for me to evaluate them, for it would one-sided.

    I apologize again. I hope you can use this information.

  20. kozman

    kozman Well-Known Member

    Re: Your thread has been hijacked!

    Anyone have any experience with Attorney Jack Schrold out of Florida and his credit assistance program?

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