This is for those just starting out or contemplating taking on the CRAs, CAs, and OCs. In March of 2001, my scores: EXP - 493 EFX - 491 TU - 492 A little over a year later: EXP - 630 EFX - 655 TU - 672 TU is about to go up as is EXP once my rehabbed student loans fall off this month.
Wow.. impressed.. I am about to start my avergae scores are about 570 starting out... Question... other then having things deleted from your credit report, what steps will/have you taken to improve your credit scores? also where do you generally send yoru first letters.. some people seem to deal with the CRA's first and others deal with the CA..
I would recommend starting with the cra's first. Attack the oldest first. If you start with the ca's first, you could be starting problems that may have never happened if they had just been deleted first. The older the acct., the less likely they have any proof of it and and in my experience, the less likely they are to verify. When you get the results of your cra disputes, you will then know who verified and who you need to send validation letters to. tmitchell - great job. Feels good to get those scores up there.
I agree with LKH. Start with the CRAs. By the way, I'd venture to guess that over 80% of my disputes were done online. Very few were done via snail mail. Some of the tough ones (like Credit Store & Syndicated) required tough stances backed by CRRR. LKH....It does feel good. However, it took me longer than I would have liked but the results are favorable nontheless! Now if I could only get the CH7 to disappear!
tmitchell, Congratulations!! It is a long, hard and bumpy road. Have you tried to dispute the Ch 7 through the CRA's? I'm sure that you have. Curious, in a different thread you said that in a lawsuit against a CRA that you won you didn't feel right asking that your BK be deleted. Are you regretting it a little, now? Good job!! Charlie
IT is a long road but it works. I can only find my TU score now but july 2001: 444 july 2002:652 I did not even start with validation until a couple of months ago. IT went up from a few deletions and good payment history. The 652 does not include a deleted collection that was bogus so it could be higher.
charlie.....I have not yet filed any suits against anyone. What I DID fail to do was have a private (not federal) student loan discharged when I filed BK in 1997. At the time, my lawyer said all student loans were not dischargable. Had I known it was, I would have included it. However, it isn't like I can't afford it so I guess it worked out OK.