Many credit repair companies make bold, and sometimes false claims, in order to hype their results. HTDI Financial stands behind our service and do not resort to high-pressure salesmanship or bogus assertions. We provide our statistics frankly and with pride. W We average one of the highest fix/deletion rates in the industry for the first 45 days of service. Shown below, as of 07/28/2007, is the average percentage of fix/deletes per round. 1st Round 46.10% 2nd Round 20.29% 3rd Round 18.64% 4th Round 14.91% We believe our numbers speak for themselves. Contact me directly or fill out the form at [ur]URL REMOVED; UNAUTHORIZED ADVERTISING[/url]. Talk to you soon,
I would be hesitant to pay anyone to do something I could do myself. However, if you really don't have time, perhaps letting someone else help would be a good idea.
Nice site with many informative pieces, I'm sold! Geez . . . "credit repair" is a very hard industry in which to operate absent goons such as this. Thanks for saying hello though.
Some credit repair companies are fraudulent, unfortunately it is hard to know which ones are genuine. One good way is to ask around, for references if anybody has used them, but finding people who have used credit repair agencies would be rare.
Why not check with the Better Business Bureau and state licensing authorities. Any reputable business should have an operating budget large enough to be members and also enough to comply with the law.