credit repair

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by Laura, Mar 30, 2000.

  1. Laura

    Laura Guest

    I have found a company that really can clean up anybodys credit!It is inexpensive and has a money back quarantee. They did wonders for me and a friend of mine.His fico score was in the low 500's and now it's in the mid 700's! So,don't distress,it is possible to have a life after credit problems.
  2. Cathy

    Cathy Well-Known Member

    I love to know who it is.
  3. Cathy

    Cathy Well-Known Member

    I love to know who it is.
  4. Laura

    Laura Guest

  5. tretha

    tretha Guest

    Have been looking for such a company - am making regular payments on everything for the past five months but need help in negotiating the negative off in return for payment of accounts in full.
  6. Laura

    Laura Guest

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