Credit Report Double Jeopardy?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by bkenton, Mar 3, 2012.

  1. bkenton

    bkenton New Member

    While filing for divorce in 2009, it was decreed that we would both file bankruptcy as part of the divorce. I received my discharge March 2010. It's been 2 years and I was going to try to use my VA Loan again to get another home.
    WHile going through my credit report I noticed in the 'lae or derogatory' section that are a few items listed that were part of the bankruptcy that was reported 'after' the discharge had been granted. One was evn from this year, almost 2 years after the discharge.
    Any 'late or derogatory' items, especially in the ast year, go highly against your score. If this is already part of my public record, that being the bankruptcy, my score already gets tanked. But reporting it months and years 'after' the discharge as new delinquency, in my opinion is doule jeopardy. If it's been discharged, how can it be late?
    This is causing major issues getting my loan from VA due to their required median score. I've done everything I could to rebuild my credit. I'm trying to get a home and am starting to feel like no matter what you do, and do by the book, it doesn't seem to matter. Where is the 'Fair' in the "Fair Credit Reporting Act?"

    WHAT can I do to fix this?
  2. JoshuaHeckathorn

    JoshuaHeckathorn Administrator

    Welcome to Creditnet! All debts that were included in your bankruptcy should be listed with a $0 balance and a notation that shows they were included in the bankruptcy. Unfortunately, mistakes are made all the time and these sorts of issues pop up on credit reports quite often. Have you disputed through the CRAs yet? If not, dispute away and provide a copy of your discharge document.

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