Very cool, congrats!!!!!!!!!!! he he he, as it should be. Do be sure to follow-up and make sure it's removed. Sassy
YYYAAAAAAAEEEEHHH! Whatta stud. I think it was the "You've violated several laws" that did it. Way to go
When I was called by the doctor's office and told that the collection was being removed I asked if I could get a letter to state that. I was told the CA would provide the letter. I called the CA and they verified the account had be closed at the request of the client (Doctor) but the woman I talked to had no idea how to generate a letter for me to bring to the CRA. So.... now I have to call back again tomorrow to speak with one of the "supervisors". Do these people ever make anything easy?
You should(IMHO) request two things: 1. A letter from the doctor stating you owe them NOTHING. 2. a copy of the UDF from the CA. You may not get anything from the doctor, but I would DEMAND the UDF from the CA. congrats again
Okay once again I'm a credit net noob.WTF is a UDF. I checked the glossery and didn't see it listed as an acronym.
Dave, A UDF is the form used by CA's to fill out and send to CRA's to make changes in your tradeline. In this case a UDF to delete.