Credit Reporting

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by marvin, Feb 26, 2001.

  1. marvin

    marvin Well-Known Member

    If I borrow money from my 401k plan,
    is it possible to have the payments
    shown on credit report?

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    NO...IT'S YOUR MONEY, so you are borrowing from yourself.
  3. Mark

    Mark Guest

    If you want to go that route, borrow the money from your 401k, take it to the bank, deposit it in a 12 month CD, take out a signature loan for the same amount using the CD as collateral. No bank will turn you down.

    You can even probably deduct the interest on the 401k loan because you invested the money. You'll have to pay the interest cost of course, but that's it.

    Marvin wrote:
    If I borrow money from my 401k plan,
    is it possible to have the payments
    shown on credit report?
  4. Ender

    Ender Well-Known Member

    How do CDs work? What's usually the minimum % you get return and how much is the min. for the amount to get one and what is the length of the term?

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    401k loans have to be for specific reasons, education, medical, and house purchase
    (as far as I know)...unless you are 62+ or 65+ (what ever today's retirement age is...)
  6. marvin

    marvin Well-Known Member

    Not True

    You can take a loan out for any reason, as long as you pay it back. If you fail to pay it back, they will take it out of you're 401k, and sock you with 20% taxes, and 10% penalty. Some employers my make restrictions on the loans, but I can take a loan out on mine over the internet, and nobody even asks me what it's for.
  7. roni

    roni Well-Known Member

    RE: Not True

    Oh, God. This is crazy. I am going to bed.

  8. J. Edgar

    J. Edgar Well-Known Member


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