From the time BK is filed until it is discharged, what is your credit report suppose to say or look like.
Probably a mess. Seriously, there is lots of clean up afterwards. IMHO it really only matters what it looks like after discharge. In the in-between time one shouldn't be doing anything that involves credit anyway. (Unless this is a 13?)
All accounts that were included in BK, and not reaffirmed, should be reporting something to the effect that they were IIB on xxx date (discharge date), and report a -0- balance. They can continue to reflect historical data such as lates up until the date filed. They can also report something along the lines of IIB/30/60/90 days late or whatever the situation was on the date of filing. Further, for those reports that report a Date of First Delinquency, or an Estimated Removal Date, that date should not be reaged to the BK, unless they happened to be positive accounts up until the moment of filing.
credit reports,before,during,after BK7 I filed in august and discharged in dec. creditors were reporting between aug and dec, (charge off, included in bankruptcy etc.). Is this correct listing.
Not enough information to say. Many times they will start reporting that you filed BK 7 as soon as they get the notice. That interim time (Aug-Dec) is really not important, how they are reporting now is. Regardless, step one is always to dispute before you have a legal complaint about erroneous reporting.
One creditor had listed as charge off, included in bk, under my fico it was listed in black coloring, aug,sept,oct then it stopped.