credit requirements

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by marvin a m, Apr 12, 2000.

  1. marvin a m

    marvin a m Guest

    I am interested in financing a car pretty soon, but I don't know if I have poor or average credit. I open my first credit account 10 months ago, I currently have 3 credit cards,I always make my payments on time,to this moment I have $4500 of paid credit. I would like to know where I am standing at this moment.
  2. marvin a m

    marvin a m Guest

    marvin a manzanares wrote:
    I am interested in financing a car pretty soon, but I don't know if I have poor or average credit. I open my first credit account 10 months ago, I currently have 3 credit cards,I always make my payments on time,to this moment I have $4500 of paid credit. I would like to know where I am standing at this moment.
  3. J. Edgar

    J. Edgar Well-Known Member

    Typically, car loans have less stringent underwriting criteria than most loans. If you have made all of your payments on time so far for the 10 months and you have no degoratories like collection accounts you should have no trouble get a car loan.

    The main problem with car loans is getting the 'best' loan. With a short track record, your loan might have a higher interest rate then the best available on that date because you are deemed a higher risk.

    A credit union would probably give you the fairest terms. Check and see if you are eligible to join one in your area.

    Just be careful with shopping around for a loan though. You won't want to have a pile of inquiries on your credit report, although it is claimed that inquiries that occur within two weeks of each other for mortgage and car loan 'shopping' are only counted as one inquiry for credit scoring purposes.

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