What is the score ranges for Excellent or A credit, Good or B credit, Fair or C credit and Poor or D credit? This thread from Bayhouse.com shows these ranges: http://www.bayhouse.com/credit-forum/showthread.php?threadid=214 The FreeCreditAnalyzer.com website shows these ranges: http://www.123debt.com/creditanalyzer.php Depending on what you look at, I either have good or fair credit. No wonder FICO is so damn confusing
According to my mortgage broker, anything over 660-675 is A. B is down to around 620. If you're under 620 you are sub prime.
I think what an excellent credit score is depends on the vendor. Countrywide home loans just recently told me 630 + is A++! For AMEX it may be 680+, Citi 650+ , Juniper 800++ , etc
JUNIPER is above 741...or maybe they have a VERY tight range...LIKE 640-670!?!?!?!?! HIGHER AND LOWER~~~DENIED
Found this website with ranges too http://nt.mortgage101.com/partner-scripts/1075.asp?p=CoastalMortoastalMort
Finally got my Equifax scores this morning. Overall my scores for all three bureaus are not bad considering I filed bk in 11/01. EQ - 652 EX - 612 TU - 627 As soon as I get my discharge, I can start rebuilding my credit and start raising those scores.
Those are great! Is your bankruptcy already reporting in the public records section of your reports? I noticed a lot of changes in my accounts reporting about a month or so after my discharge. So keep your eyes open.