Creditnetters. . .Please post your credit repair history to help us newbies become better informed. We want to know where and when you started, & where you are now. Give us pointers as to what has made the biggest positive point differences in your scores. What has "baffled" you and some "Aha's!" that have enlightened you along the way. Give us the "insider" info. . .Also, we hear so many different credit scoring systems. What are the REAL ones? For example, we all know that a home is probably the largest purchase one can make, so we know that the mortgage company is going to use the top scoring systems. Equifax=FICO, Experian=?, Transunion=? EXAMPLES: JACK BEGAN: 5-2000 EX: 523 EQ/FICO: 502 TU: 630 INCLUDED: 2 COLLECTION ACCOUNTS (Over 5 yrs.old) 3 PAID CHARGE-OFFS (Over 5 years old) 15, 30-day lates on various accounts 4 REVOLVING ACCOUNTS with high balances EX: 601(1-2002)+23 from 11-2001 EQ/FICO: 578(12-2001)-18 from 11-2001 due to ??? TU: 698(2-2002)+48 from11-2001 ACTIONS TAKEN: 2 COLLECTION ACCOUNTS DELETED from EX, 1 from EQ, & 2 from TU. 3 PAID CHARGE-OFFS DELETED from ALL 3! Still working on getting lates deleted Am paying down balances on accounts Examples of "AHA's" i.e Things you learned along the way that can have a positive affect on our scores *For people who need more "older" credit histories. Borrow from someone else. Does your wife or parent have an older account or two that they can add you to as Authorized user? Great! Instant "older" credit history. **Please tell WHY, if you know why, your score changed so that we can try and better understand what differences things can make. SEASONED CREDITNETTERS. . .PLEASE FEEL FREE TO CRITIQUE INFO. I KNOW THAT THERE ARE A LOT OF US OUT HERE WHO HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS ISSUE. PLEASE CONTRIBUTE ANYTHING THAT YOU THINK MIGHT BE HELPFUL TO SOMEONE IN THEIR QUEST FOR THE BEST CREDIT POSSIBLE. THANK YOU
okay 11/2001 Tu 435 now 567 exp 511 now 569 (just lost 30 points due to account being added) eq 505 now ? TU > three judgements deleted three collections deleted 7 negs left 4 positive accounts Exp> one judgment deleted (lawsuit filed) five negs deleted 11 negs left, four positive accounts EQ . one judgment deleted five negs deleted, five negs left major negs include a repo from 2000 and of course the judgments. two small medical collections from last year on each report.
08/02 TU 575 Exp 602 Equ 610 Now TU 716 Exp 698 Equ 731 Derogs, Three mortgage lates (incorrect), since removed from all but Exp. Biggest jump came from paying off CC's. NUMBER ONE LESSON, If you care about your credit score don't EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER use more than 50% of your credit line on any card. I don't even do it when I have a 0% bt offer. You never know when a cc will update again, and you might wind up with a maxed out cc sitting on you report like a time bomb for 6 months.
BEGAN: Officially 8/2000 TU 521, EQU 551, EXP 532 INCLUDED: NEG: 1 DEFAULTED STUDENT LOAN (NYSHESC) $15000 8 Charged-off Student Loans (SALLIE MAE) (total $15000) 2 UNPAID COLLECTION 1 PAID JUDGEMENT POS: 1 CAR LOAN 3 CC small limits NOW: TU 594 EQU 675 EXP 650 INCLUDES: TU NEG: 8 Charged-off Student Loans (in dispute-obsolete DOLA 6/96) 2 UNPAID COLLECTION (1 due to come off 11/02 and 1 in dispute now) 1 PAID JUDGEMENT TU: POS: 1 OPEN CAR LOAN (1/02) 1 CLOSED/PAID CAR LOAN 8 Student loans (new bank after rehab. 1/02 w/open dates in 92-95) 2 CC small limits 1 closed CC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EXP NEG: 8 Charged-off Student Loans (to be re-disputed, no DOLA's) 1 UNPAID COLLECTION due to come off 11/02 1 PAID JUDGEMENT EXP POS: 1 OPEN CAR LOAN (1/02) 1 CLOSED/PAID CAR LOAN 8 Student loans (new bank after rehab. 1/02 w/open dates in 92-95) 2 CC small limits 1 closed CC ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EQU NEG: 5 Charged-off Student Loans (4 to come off 6/02 and 1 to come off 11/02) YEAH!! 1 PAID JUDGEMENT EQU POS: 1 OPEN CAR LOAN (1/02) 1 CLOSED/PAID CAR LOAN 8 Student loans (new bank after rehab. 1/02 w/open dates in 92-95) 2 CC small limits 1 closed CC I think that's it!!!! I think my biggest improvement and battle is getting out of Default from my student loan(s) although the Guarantor removed the default, the servicing agency will not, but they are scheduled to fall off because they have $0 bal. with Sallie Mae and a new bank holds them and EQU has already removed 3 on their own. We shall see. PHEW!!!
Started my journey 2/4/02 Previous Scores 2/4/02: EX:537 EQ:502 TU:512 Current Scores: EX:620 EQ:539 TU:500 (-12/collection added) ITEMS REMOVED: EQ: 5 Collection accounts 3 Charge Offs *In Dispute: 2 C/O EX: 12 inquries 2 Collection Accts 4 Charge offs *in dispute: 2 C/O, 1 Coll TU: 4 Collection Accts 1 Charge off *In dispute: 3 C/O REMAINING: EX: 7 NEGS EQ: 7 NEGS TU: 11 NEGS My goal is to have all negs removed by 9/02!!!
This is the first time I actually looked at my initial scores. Here this whole time I *thought* I was making progress, but I guess not. Oh well, it's only a number: Started all work on 01/26/2002: TU: Was---> 491 (Eloan 590) Now---> 499 (Eloan 618) 4 Deletions, 1 incorrect address removal, 1 acct changed to 'unrated' EQ: Was---> (unknown, but probably higher than what it is now, LOL) Now---> 574 1 Deletion. EX: Was ---> 590 Now ---> 582 2 Deletions, 1 satisfied judgement removed, 1 inquiry removed. I have 3 accounts that I'm paying for deletion and a few other things going right now. There are multiple errors on my TU report that I'm also working on. Best advice I've received so far: Charge up your Cap1 cards so they relfect the actual CL, then pay off. This is killing my scores right now on all 3 CRAs (my credit utilization is thru the roof because Cap1 won't report the actual CL.)
6/01 EQ 639 EX 691 TU ? 8/02 EQ 746 EX 706 TU 728 Reasons for increases: Duplicate accounts with late pays deleted Uncomingled files with another woman who shares my name (until the next time her stuff pops up, anyway-it happens continuously). Increased Credit Limits thereby helping ratios Have considerably reduced balances and should be totally revolving debt free by mid-summer) Currently have one 60day late (1998) and one 30day(1996) late on EQ and EX Currently have one 60day late (1998) and 3 30day (1996/1998/1999) lates on TU. -------------------------------- Open active cards 6/01 FUSA @ 19.99% 12,000 cl Peoples @13.99% 4,000 cl (they jacked it to 27.99%-paid it off) Note: I had pretty high balances at this time and it killed my utilization ratios - I think at one point I was at 83% usage. Open active cards 8/02 Citi AAdvantage @14.65% cl 15,000 (never carry bal) Citi Select Platinum @10.74 cl 9,400 ATT Universal @10.74 cl 15,000 Juniper @ 13.74 cl 17,500 (no bal) FUSA @14.99 cl 12,000 (no bal) The two I currently have balances on have just had the 0% promo run out and TODAY I am looking around to BT off of them to lower BT rates or new promos. Juniper had a 0% for 4 months then 9.90% for 4 months but now they won't negotiate a lower APR so I paid them off today.
Kittiekat3, What is the difference bettween a student loan servicer and a student loan guarantor. I have 4 defaults entries from USA group and 4 from California Student Aid Commision. Can you tell me which is which? I understood that ALL negative entries pertaining to student loans are purged from you're reports once you start rehab..................any info would be greatly appreciated. -Sal
Here's my profile: Started on Feb 1, 2002 Scores: Equifax - 551 Experian - 540 TransUnion - 505 Eloan - 589 Acccounts: The three reports vary with the TransUnion and Equifax being the most similar, while the Experian has accounts not showing on the other 2. Started with: 5 positive accounts (3 credit cards and 2 student loans) 1 account with 1 30 day late and 1 with a lot of lates) 4 closed (all positive) 3 collections accounts (1 settled less than full balance, 1 paid in full for $175.00 and 1 for $200 not paid) 2 charge offs (1 for 500 the other 800: neither paid) Since starting repairing i got 1 collection account removed (unpaid), another collection removed(the settled one) and 1 negative account with lots of lates removed. My score at Equifax is now 571, so up 20 points with these deletions. I havent checked the other scores yet. The charge offs are killing my scores. I know I would be in the mid 600's if I could get those removed. I am in the process of disputing the charge offs and the remaining collection account. I hope to see results soon and I will update with new scores as soon as I get them.
Hi Sal, Well in my circumstance, my original 8 loans came from a bank and subsequently were "taken over" by Sallie Mae who then serviced the loan. NYS Higher Education is who guaratees payment of the loan (why it's called a Guaranteed Student Loan) took over the loans when I didn't pay Sallie Mae at which time I was in default. NYS Higher Education paid Sallie Mae. On the credit reports under Sallie Mae it says that the loans were Sold or Transsferred/Claim filed with Government, and under NYS HESC I had one entry for all 8 loans which said DEFAULTED STUDENT LOAN. After I finished the Rehab. Program with NYS, they removed the entire listing from all 3 CR's which gave me a nice jump in scores. But Sallie Mae's 8 entries remained. I did write to the Dept. of Education they said that while the Higher Education Act states that once the Rehab. Program is completed that the Default status must be removed from all CR's, that it doesn't say anything about the previous holder of the loan removing any negative status. (When I get home I will post the email). I've read posts on this board (search for Pam Moran) that says that the law is unlear BUT the previous holder of the loan should also remove negative status. I have decide not to pursue it further because the entries "should" come off soon anyway because they have $0 balance (and now reported as Paid after charge-off although they are not paid, another bank has them but Sallie Mae shows that THEY are paid.. so be it.. LOL) and since I am in NY, the reporting period is 5 years. I have read various posts that say that student loans are different but I think that is if they are unpaid and Equifax has already removed 3 without me even requesting it, so I am hoping I have no problem with the others. In your case I am not sure what the sequence of events was so I wouldn't be sure who sold to who, etc. Don't know if this helps at all...
I'm in. My last derog was a 150 day late back in Jan 2000 (During the last half of 99 I was making small payments so I have 150 day lates for June-Nov and a 180 day late in Dec 99). My scores (And I can only imagine what they were in 1/2000): TU was 673 back in Oct. 2001 Exp was 613 back in Jan 2002 Eqf was 638 back in Dec 2001 When I finally got caught up with Sears in Jan 2000, I knew 2 years is what it would take by itself to get me out of Sub-Prime hell, so I forced myself to not miss any payments. I had a paid charge-off for JCPennys back in 2/97, and a paid collection for Credit Management Inc. back in 6/99. Otherwise I had several 30, 60 and 90 day lates. Fortunately for me, because I had the time since last derog (Most lates were in 97-99) I had early success with Exp and TU (I'm assuming most companies, since they were paid off in 99 figured to not waste any time with me). On Exp, last year when I got my report, I had 5 in good standing, 10 negative. Right now it's 14 in good standing, 2 negative (Yes- Sears, and Pennys who failed to respond to TU. Hopefully soon they'll be off Exp and Eqf as well). TU as of yesterday is clean Eqf - I just started last month with 3 disputes, they removed 2 items, verified JC Pennys. As of now on 2 different disputes I'm fighting 8 items - I sent validation letter to Pennys (They have until the 19th to respond) and tomorrow will send one to Sears (I opened the account 12 years ago, doubtful they'll be able to pull up an application w/a signature). My advice - give some time between the last derog. Make sure it's not fresh in their mind. And no matter what - don't give up. It took 4 tries to get Pennys off of TU. Sears thinks I'm done with them, wait until they get the validation letter As far as Credit Management Inc. they were paid as of 6/99 and I knew they didn't have much documentation on me, so I went after them with validation/estoppel - worked like a charm Good luck to all... GT
Started in earnest in January. Score were: EQ-579 EX-596 TU-589 Now: EQ-698 EX-682 TU-629 Derogs removed were 2 collections less than a year old, paid student loan showing as unsettled, charge off from my mother's bk that found it's way on my CR, 2 more collections that fell off, and last but not least I have 6 more accounts that I negotiated for removal for payment. They haven't come off yet and the CA only agreed to it after 2 verification letters and estoppel. Still have a judgement to get removed, 2 paid collections, and 2 collection accounts (one is a duplicate)that will fall off in December if I can't get it off sooner. Gib
Started March 2002 (then and now) Equifax unknown/612 Experian 608/628 1 inquiry deleted Personal Information corrected TransUnion unknown/unknown Started out with 10 negative items, including 1 judgement. Down to 8 negative items and 3 postive items. I have 3 negative items pending. I learned to always papertrail everything. Start a folder for each account in each CRA. Keep major notes. Read a lot. I think by next month, I should have MUCH better scores since I am counting on having more items drop off. Copy everything you can. Get the CA to fax or send copies of UDFs or letterhead statements that say they have requested deletion after they have done so. Try to work on one account at a time so its thorough. Have patience.
Re: Credit Score Roll Call!!! Every Sal826, When you take out a student loan the money came from USA group but the student aid commission(Edfund)guaranteed the loan, so when you defaulted USA group were paid o ff b y student aid commission and you then owed the student aid commission. The student aid commission are very uneducated about credit reporting)I posted the number for their ombudsman a few days ago ..c all em up and educate them if they are reporting your ac counts wrong!
Re: Credit Score Roll Call!!! Every Lets see... maybe this is a good exercise to put things into perspective. I started working on credit in Nov-Dec 2001... TU: then 451 now 524 (was 584 currently down thanks to First Premier late- should go back up soon.) ELOAN SCORE: 617 on last check Started: 14 derogs, now have 10 (new CA duplicate) 6 of remaining derogs will expire in the next year, 2 in validation/dispute, other will be paid for deletion. EXP: then- who knows, first checked 564 in Jan. now - 628 Started: 11 derogs, now have 8. 2 of these are duplicates in dispute, others will expire this year. EQX: then - who knows, first checked 520ish now - 585 - (also down b/c of First Premier) Started: 15 derogs, now have 10. New CA account reposted. Working on 2 other CAs for validation (now 60 days in), other 6 derogs should expire in next year. Working on a few disputes/validations, but pretty much just waiting out the BIG JUMP when the old tradelines start dropping.
Re: Credit Score Roll Call!!! Every Until November 2001 I had perfect credit. I had a $20,000 Capital One card, a $7500 MBNA credit line, $5000 Getsmart card and a new car loan. Then I filed for bankruptcy (my income had dropped by 50% in 2000 and I spent 18 months looking for a new job, working part-time jobs, moving in with a roommate, borrowing from my Mom, cleaning out my savings and raiding my pension fund to keep my bills current) which was discharged in March 2002. Although I had to surrender my car (I could have kept it, but I decided to carpool with my roommate and use the extra money to rebuild my savings) I have started rebuilding my credit. I applied and was approved for a Target Visa ($4000) at 15.9%. I have to admit I was surprised that I was approved, but I am very pleased. I'm inclined to just have one credit card for the time being until I'm offered another card without outrageous First Premier. I'm pretty lucky to have the scores I have so soon after bankruptcy. I'm hoping that by keep my nose clean and using my Visa wisely I can nudge my scores over 700 in a couple of years. Cynthia BK discharged 3/11/02 EQ 652 TU 627 EX 612
Re: Credit Score Roll Call!!! Every I do not have updated scores, but I started my repair in mid January, so far I have gotten 4 deletions on Experian, 1 on Equifax, and 1 on TU. I have gotten many increases and better terms on cards, I have also gotten many new postive tradelines. My student loans are 3 months in rehab, and that will remove 5 negatives on each report!! I have round 2 disputes out now, so far I am pleased with my progress. I thank this site and the many posters here. I have learned a lot about credit, and have helped others in my life as well.
Experian: {12/01 Score 601} {4/02 Score 727} 2 neg. Charge-offs rev. (1 deleted,1 updated never late thats a mistake heh) 1 neg. Charge-off install. (deleted) 1 pos. CC 3years never late 1 pos. Store Card 3years never late Equifax: {12/01 Score 605} {4/02 Score 643} 2 neg. Charge-offs rev. (1 deleted) 1 neg. Charge-off install. (deleted) 1 pos. CC 3years never late 1 pos. Store Card 3years never late Trans U: {12/01 Score 601} {4/02 Score 607} 2 neg. Charge-offs rev. (1 deleted) 1 neg. Charge-off install. (deleted) 1 pos. CC 3years never late 1 pos. Store Card 3years never late 1 neg. Suppressed 1 neg. Collections Zero balance Ex: no derog for now Eq: one neg (Credit Store Bastards) Tu: 3 negs 1 from NCO but Suppressed 2 from Credit Store Also forgot I have a mortgage too but hasn't been on my reports for 2 years now strange.
Starterd 11/01 Tu=552 Eq=572 Exp=572 Now: Tu=599 Eq=552 Exp=592 Have 3 chargeoffs deleted 2 collections remain. Have increased my credit limit 400% by an increase and 2 new Platinum (toy) cards.
Warning...this is long... Hopefully it contains some useful information. I've been reading the board for a few weeks and have learned much from you. I am a frequent visitor now! OK...I had no idea this could we go... In October 2001 I thought I would possibly want to try to buy a house in 2002 so I'd better pull my reports to make sure everything's square. Here's my 10/01 scores... Experian - 681 There was a derog on my file. A Collection Account for an Emergency Room bill that I never received. The Collection Account had a $0 balance. TransUnion - 686 Same derog as Experian showed here. Equifax - 782 No derogs whatsoever. Pretty good I thought...I went to apply for a Mortgage and my broker said that the Mortgage companies look at scores over 680 as "A Paper". My Mortgage company will be using my middle score -686- so all is good....but... After going back over my records of all the bills I had paid to the Emergency Room, I noticed that the terms of the Collection Account were, in short, "Pay us in 30 days or we will report negative info to the credit agencys". The check I wrote to them was cancelled exactly 30 days after I received their letter. After filing disputes with TU and EX over the Collection Account, TransUnion has since deleted the Collection Account from my report. Looks like I'll need to go another round with Experian. My Mortgage Broker pulled my credit on Monday 4/8. New Scores... Experian - 680 The derog is still there TransUnion - 792 All looks good. Equifax - 805 !!! I have no idea why Equifax went up. So, in my case, 1 paid Collection Account for an amount of $57 getting removed from my TransUnion report reflected OVER 100 POINTS! This is 12 years worth of credit history. Got my first credit card when I was 18 and was never ever late on any bill, ever. I've had 3 car loans and several credit cards over the years, probably 5 total all at once. They all had various balances and a couple of them were maxed at one point in my 20's. All are paid off and closed now except one. It's a plain old Wachovia Visa with a $9800 limit, zero balance, and 8.5% interest rate. Could I get a better interest rate? I lock my interest rate on my new house today...with my new middle score of 792 I should get a very low interest rate I would hope.