credit score

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by mtstaple, Feb 21, 2005.

  1. mtstaple

    mtstaple Member

    I have a credit score around 650 and I recently was denied credit for a Lowe's card. Is a 650 score really that bad? Is there any way to improve this score without being denied credit 100 times before getting approved? Thanks
  2. venomized

    venomized Well-Known Member

    I would first pull my report to see why they denied me and take it from there. After when/if you find something. Start a strategy to fix that problem. Continue to read these boards for suggestions.
  3. ontrack

    ontrack Well-Known Member

    Have they sent you an adverse action notice, indicating what reports they pulled? If not, ask for it. They are required to provide it, and it will help you get a free credit report to see why you were rejected.

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