Credit Scores

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jtc79, Aug 9, 2006.

  1. jtc79

    jtc79 Well-Known Member


    Was around 650's, then had a $190.00 charge/off deleted from all three. Over 50 points on each! get those charge/off's off. finally reached my goal.
  2. ArmondoNLA

    ArmondoNLA Well-Known Member


    I'm glad to see this 2, cause it's more proof that that last chargeoff being removed can really lift your scores.
  3. Suzie46

    Suzie46 Well-Known Member

    Congrats! I hope to jopin ya there soon! My scores are currently in mid
    600's and I have 1-2 items left on each CR - all collections that are paid, so I hope with repeated disputes, they come off soon, and I can join you and others in the 700 club!
  4. Trying2Fix

    Trying2Fix Well-Known Member

    Just got an Equifax update and they removed 5 inquiries that I disputed and my score jumped 21 points.
  5. talkcredit

    talkcredit Member

    How did you dispute the inquiries? I tried calling (have 2 collection agencies as hard inquiries) and was told there was nothing I can do. Would you mind sharing what you did?


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