Credit Store - WRONG

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by kit, Mar 20, 2002.

  1. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    Disputed the Credit Store listing with the letter they sent me after my validation request... "we have no documentation for this account".... blah, blah, "the charges have been reversed".... blah, blah. Anyway, you get the picture. I thought this was a SOLID delete, but no... they "updated" the listing at 2 credit bureaus, "Paid after charge-off/collection." Anyone had this happen with this outfit- BASTARDS!!
  2. ggb

    ggb Well-Known Member

    If they have no documentation of the account, how do they know you paid it (as they reported)?

    Sounds like they weren't able to validate properly, and I'd call them on it.
  3. whyspers

    whyspers Well-Known Member

    No kidding!!! Send that letter off to the CRAs and dispute it based on the fact that they have no information about the account. If they continue to verify, you can use the argument that they now have reason to know there is a dispute between you and the CA and they have to go beyond their original source. The "source" is even saying they don't have information on the account.

    At the same time, do the validation thingie with Credit Store, build your paper trail and then nail them with it.

  4. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    Maybe I wasn't clear on everything
    1.) sent validation to credit store
    2.) credit store sent response- no documentation
    3.) sent dispute to CRAs with the credit store response letter as proof
    4.) cra investigation results: "updated" - "Paid after charge off/collection"

    Obviously the CRAs didn't even LOOK at my letter- how could they possibly allow Credit Store to "update" an account they ADMIT they have no documentation for??
    I guess I will have to send another dispute- if it doesn't come off, I will have a clear lawsuit- right??
  5. ggb

    ggb Well-Known Member

    I would say yes -- against both the CA *and* the CRA.
  6. tmitchell

    tmitchell Well-Known Member

    Call Credit Store.....Call 3 times a day. Threaten lawsuit. I got the same letter and it was deleted almost immediately.

    Fax them the section of the FCRA that says they can't knowingly report inaccurate info.

    They will cave
  7. Kinetix

    Kinetix Well-Known Member

    Hey Kit,

    Any new info or update on the progress with Credit Store?
  8. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    Yes, actually... talked to TU and EQ on phone and it was deleted from TU (EQ is still "investigating"). Guess I should be celebrating small victories-- but I will hold off until I hear from EQ.
  9. Kinetix

    Kinetix Well-Known Member

    Nice, I was just curious cuz I fired off a validation to them and they responded saying they purchased a portfolio of accounts from Bank X and that the portfolio included my account and they now own the debt, followed by "Unfortunately, we are unable to obtain original documentation from the previous lender at this time."

    They also did not report this account in dispute,at this point I thought I had them but NOOOO...So I fired of a settlement letter stating the violations and demanded deletion. No response from them till a phone call was made and in talking to a supervisor she stated they don't need to validate this debt cuz I allegedly settled this debt by accepting there card offer over the phone and also said she would pull the tape to comfirm this. She also denied that they violated FDCPA, claiming by law they have 30-60 days to report this account in dispute. Never heard this befor... Then asked can I quote you on this, she said no obviously. At this point she said an attorney is sending a letter to me(on what? dunno)and that the account was put in dispute as of yesterday. This is all too confusing for me.
  10. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    Have you disputed it with the CRAs with the letter, if so did they "update" the account as PAID?
  11. tmitchell

    tmitchell Well-Known Member

    You are winning this one. They did the same to me. I actually accepted the offer and made paymnets b4 validating. I nailed em to the wall and they folded like a house of cards.
  12. Kinetix

    Kinetix Well-Known Member

    They have 2 accounts on my report

    1) Under there name as paid collection and stating purchased from Bank X Zero balance

    2)Other account which they are reporting under the card issuers name can they do that?FNB Brookings
  13. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    I agree with tmitchell- although it was much more of a hassle than I bargained for, it seems that it going to come off my reports after all. It may take a few disputes to remove though- just so you are aware of the possibility. I am now of the opinion that nothing is a "sure thing"...
  14. Kinetix

    Kinetix Well-Known Member


    I too thought i was winning on this one, but it really seems to me that they are standing ground on this.Abit confused on what todo, only thing is to wait on what there attorney is sending me, outlook doesn't seem to favorable in my hands.
  15. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    Kinetix- unfortuately, I think if you use the card or didn't send it back unused then they can report both. Luckily, I figured out this companies "bag-o-tricks" before I actually used the card (actually they sent it and I sent it back immediately). Best scenario:
    1.) send a dispute letter to the credit bureau with the "no documentation" letter- like I said, it may take some effort but the collection record should come off.
    2.) if they have no record of the account, then the balance on the card should be -0-, if it isn't dispute this entry at the same time. Also make sure it states "closed by consumer"- you closed the account I hope??

    You may be able to work this to your advantage- get rid of the collection record AND get a bonus positive tradeline for your effort!
  16. Kinetix

    Kinetix Well-Known Member

    Kit thnx for the tip,

    I thought about sending this letter to the CRA's, but I think it might blow back into my face cuz the letter also states in the second paragraph (after they admited not having the documentation) balance of original account $xxxx, and that I agreed to pay $xxxx, which was transfered to your new credit card account, then stating there records show $xxxx that is now due...

    Also the account was not closed by me they had it written off when I stop corresponding with them,and placed a statement Profit and loss Writeoff aswell payment after chargeoff.

    Another funny thing is the dates listed, FNB account has it account opened 1998 and closed in 97'

    Credit store has there entry listed account placed 97' and closed in 96'.This entry was placed in my report befor they contacted me for there card offer too.
  17. kit

    kit Well-Known Member

    FYI Kinetix. Credit Store was deleted off EQ... this tradeline has officially taken the big dirt nap (and EQ finally got something right). Hopefully, you will have success also. keep me posted on your communications with them
  18. Kinetix

    Kinetix Well-Known Member


    Credit Store has officially waved the white flag...First I like to thank TMitchell, Kit, and whoever other, for there support and advice. I actually recieved notice last week about deletion, but wanted to wait for the written notice befor posting results.

    One person in paticular I like to thank is Christine over at who really deserves the credit for getting this deletion done for me. I hired her for assisstance as I felt fustrated in dealing with Credit Store BS. Christine did a great job in preping letters as well taking on the task of gathering,making notes and recording conversations she made to credit store. I gotta say she really got there attention, it was a lengthy battle 4 months approximately but Christine held her ground on the violations they committed. To be honest the amount of BS sent back and forth I woulda caved, but Christine kept me calm during the ordeal.

    Anyways my reports are finally clean, with the exception of NCO(suppressed) was told by Christine to leave that alone. EQ jump from 643 to 748 haven't had time to check others yet, huge load off my chest. I'm finally done with my credit battles, but not done with Creditnet yet will continue to try and provide advice,links, or whatever to help others(As I believe in Karma "what goes around come around").

    Thanx again Creditnetters Kinetix
  19. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    How can they buy an account eith a 0 balance and collect anything from it?
  20. Kinetix

    Kinetix Well-Known Member

    Sorry that line does look like they purchased a zero balance account heh, what I meant to say is that they purchased an account and place a zero balance on it under there name.

    Another funny thing is that in the letter I recently recieved from there lawyer, he stated that they requested to have that zero balance tradline deleted on TU in 2000 but TU failed to update, aswell as he considers that tradeline positive since it's zero balance. Ohwell not going to argue with him, got my deletion letter.

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