Re: Animal Sex anyone??/ Bill.... Do you really expect us to believe that you don't take your business serious? Really? If it had been a link to a gif/jpeg of a comic strip I think we would have had a laugh. But as we know, it was a link to the front page of your website... I just asked you to prove what you were advertising. You told me to prove it and when people started agreeing with me, you removed it. As for the reference, I don't have time to search through all the posts to find it. You can if you choose. I will be happy to summarize it in that you made a topical fact based conversation personal.... I think the term you called me was "missy" or something along those lines. I didn't bother correcting your error, but if you would have taken the time to read anything other people post as advice or conversations in the chat room, you might realize that I'm not a female. But the truth is you don't read before you tell people that your way is the only and best way. I suggest that sometimes your way is the best, but I listen to the need of person asking for help and work to deliver the answer for that situation. MANY times they do not have the time to use the methods to get a "RENEWING CASH GRANT". Everybody here has had their successes and failures. More people don't use you service than do! I'm perfectly willing to let this drop at anytime, but I will ALWAYS defend myself.
An apology It was an honest mistake and I did not intend it to be a "put down" reference. I honestly did not know that you were not female. It does seem to me that you or someone else made reference to the fact you are not female, or they thought you might not be female. I'm not sure. It was a passing remark and it escaped me. I'm sorry I did that, but I truly didn't know. I was truly misled somehow into believing that you were female. Please accept my apology on that matter and I assure you that it will not happen again. I would be upset too.
Done Deal Then Done Deal then. Don't blame you a bit. So will I. Don't slam me and I won't slam you. Agreed?
Kev, Did you forget about me? You said you would email me the sample letters you used for the civil judgment as well as other.
Re: Done Deal Then No... not agreed... You don't have anything to slam me on.... I've never mislead anyone. I don't SPAM the boards for my profession... I agree not to make this personal. I agree to explain people have options when correction credit issues. I agree to listen to questions... I agree that you can have your OPINION, but when you state it as fact, I reserve the option to correct you... I agree that I will continue to help people for FREE... and some may think as a shocker Bill, I agree that sometimes your methods are the best option for a consumer... BUT not always as you claim...
Re: Done Deal Then For what it's worth, whether you love him or hate Bill, you have to admit that CreditWrench stands apart from the other credit repair groups (like Lexington, Junum, Schroll, Manhattan Legal, etc.) in several areas: 1) Bill likes to work on creditors, not CRAs. In that respect, CreditWrench is the only CRA-friendly alternative out there and does not endorse the tactic used by his competitors -- pelting the CRAs with disputes like buckshot. 2) Bill's doesn't advocate lying. His CreditWrench letters are scrupulously honest. (Now, he does advocate being quite wily, though... His technique is to make polite demands on the creditors, repeatedly if needed, and in such a way that they often end up running for cover, lol.) 3) Bill likes to have a backup plan, and then a backup plan for the backup plan, and then a backup for that. When I was a Lexington customer, I asked my assigned paralegal (a terrific person, by the way) what happens if the credit bureaus verify the tradelines, and that little question stumped the panel, lol; her basic answer was, "Well, we'll just redispute it in another couple of months, and do it over and over until they're all gone." (That's why I advocate Lexington, Junum, etc., only for a few rounds -- until you hit the wall. Or, as Bkev advises, consider doing it yourself if you're simply going to fire off rounds of disputes.) 4) Bill's techniques are very polite. You can't say that for Lexington's letters, lol... (Remember Lexington's letter to Trans Union that read, "You had better remove these false items or suffer the consequences!" Lordy, lordy, lordy.) These four things -- focusing on the creditors rather than disputing with the CRAs, telling the truth, having a backup plan, and being polite -- are really unusual methods around here. By the way, as for Bkev, I've found Bkev's postings to be among the MOST helpful on Creditnet lately. When Bkev first showed up, I was quite the skeptic, LOL... (sorry, Bkev)... But now if I see a Bkev posting, I never skip it and sometimes am quite grateful I didn't. You know, it really sucks when two valued contributors here decide to go to war. If you guys won't agree to a truce for each other, will you do it for the rest of us? Doc P.S. No, I'm not related to Rodney King.
Re: Done Deal Then Since everyone that has paid Bill for his fabulous product of advice loves him so much, why doesn't the CEO put a message board on his big website so that people that are trying to MUTUALLY share credit tips on this board can do so without constant disruption? If not, maybe PBM can make a new forum here that is separate from the Credit Talk forum, or even split Credit Talk into Credit Card Tips and Credit Repair Tips.
Re: Done Deal Then I didn't realize credit repair talk was disruptive, Mike. I hope everyone else doesn't feel that way. Doc P.S. The webmaster subtitled "Credit Talk" (this sub-board) this way: "Discussions on everything from credit repair to credit cards." I wonder why he mentioned "credit repair" before "credit cards" in that tagline, since, as Mike pointed out, credit repair talk is disruptive. I guess I'm confused!
Re: Done Deal Then Mike, are you angry with me? If you are, maybe we could fight like Shawn and Sean did, or like Bill Bauer and Bkev are doing! This is so cool -- it's my turn to have a sworn enemy!!! :-D This might be fun too, albeit a bit disruptive! Perhaps pbm should divide this area into three just so people can quarrel -- 1) Credit Repair, 2) Credit Cards, and 3) Credit Quarreling. Would that work? Doc
Re: Done Deal Then Doc: Thanks for your kind words. I'm glad that I've been able to change your opinion of me, however, I feel like I've been the same person from day one here. As for Mike's comments, I didn't read it mean credit repair talk is disruptive, but rather that SPAM is disruptive and "wars" are disruptive. I agree with you Doc when you draw attention to the fact that the webmaster intended for discussions on credit repairs and credit cards in this forum, but they also do not want any SPAM here. Why is it that anyone is held to a different standard? A few weeks ago, someone calling themselves "creditmama" spammed the boards and everyone jumped her for it. Why should anyone be allowed to sell a service in this forum? That's what all the neat little banner ads which finance this site are for! I also agree with Mike, that maybe it's time for Bill to develop his own "forum" on his board where he can control the topics and responses. I'm sorry if anyone considers this a "war" but I refuse to sink to a personal level... I will debate anyone who posts opinions as facts or who is legally wrong... And I expect to be called on the same basis should anyone find me posting similar information...
Re: Done Deal Then Bkev, a few questions from the peanut gallery (ok, from my peanut gallery): 1) Would you also preclude Kristi Welsh from advertising her book here as well? 2) I notice you haven't gone after Creditsense yet -- the guy who mentions that you can "exercise your credit for higher returns" at his site. Do you prefer his "spam" to Bill's? If not, why not? (This sounds like a final exam I give my Psych 101 students, lol. Sorry.) 3) Should we disallow Carreon & Associates (the other Kristi) from contributing? They always invite people to visit their commercial site whenever they appear here. 4) Perhaps pbm should tighten up his guidelines, make 'em tough and restrictive, so that everybody toes the line. Links to ones own revenue-generating web site should not be allowed, for example. Your thoughts? One point: The thing that differentiated CreditMama from Bill Bauer is pretty apparent. CreditMama's entire posting was to promote her service. She never offered advice here before and hasn't since. She did stick around long enough to argue for a few postings before leaving in a huff, saying something like, "I wouldn't help any of you people anyway!" or something. (Wasn't she fun?) I've never seen Bill "spam" the board that way. He's just in the mix, offering a whole lot of free advice, and then including catchy taglines promoting his service in his signature (like Kristy Welsh does with her GREAT book). Point two: Shouldn't we let pbm make decisions about how he best wants to protect his income stream from this site? He's a grown-up (and a darned talented one at that) and has a track record for putting a stop to things that bother him. Clearly Bill's postings don't bother him. You'll recall that CreditMama's postings did, and pbm banned her. Point three: Have you ever visited It's a wonderful web site for finding bargains (usually computer-related stuff), but it has a terrible flaw if you ask me: The webmaster, a feisty fellow named Anand, is a huge penis. He constantly harrangues people for posting commercially. He has developed a very extensive set of rules for who can and can't post and what can be posted and how far you can go vis-a-vis your own business, etc., etc., etc. As a result, (another great site) was born when a HUGE group of people broke off from just because they didn't enjoy the restrictive environment where people engage others the way you've engaged Bill here. Eh, that's enough points. Doc
Re: Done Deal Then Doc: My responses to your questions would be...... 1) In a strict sense, yes. But I've noticed that Ms. Welch will post messages that are informative without forcing people to her product for the answer. 2) Creditsense... Do I think that he should be allowed to list at the bottom of his posts? No. But a search of creditwork's posts reveals that he also contributes information for free use to creditnet. I'm not saying that he didn't promote his website somewhere in a posting, but all I've seen in my search is a link at the bottom of his webpage. 3) Same answer, no... But you'll notice you can get a vast amount of free information at the Carreon & Associates website... Kristi Feathers (4Krisiti) also shares information here.----- You know what, I just checked and C&A even links back here for a "Credit discussion board". I know Bill grabs screen shots of for self-promotion or to use as "complaint" letters about other repair companies, but I've never personally seen a link back here from any point in his website. 4) I completely agree. Doc... If you notice, none of the examples you use post as often here as Mr. Bill. As far as I can tell, all offer information/opinions without having to signup for their services. And none, as far as I can tell, have developed bait-and-switch techniques leading people to their commercial websites or just outright false advertising. As far as I can tell, none of the people have posted their opinion as fact. As far as I can tell, none of these examples slam other websites. As far as I can tell, none of these examples take offense to people with opposing views... As far as I can tell, none of these people have posted outright lies or highly questionable posts... Now... on to your "points".... One. She was fun. But I think the reason you saw a different reaction from PBM was somebody complained. He is very smart and stays out of discussions unless a member requests it. Who knows, he probably does post under a different screenname. Exactly what "advice" do you think that Bill provides here? From what I've read its.... "Forget that approach, work the collection agency until they make a FDCPA mistake and then threaten to sue, but don't ever really sue." or something close to that... when people make a request for more information it's directed to the "CreditWrench" website or taken offline... This advice is a direct promotion of his service. Two. Yes, the final decision is PBMs. I totally agree with that. But he's yet to tell me that I can not have a dissenting opinion to Bill's. Again Doc, I never make it personal. I keep it on topic and professional. The spirit behind "Freedom of Speech" is not to limit it to people who agree with you, but to defend the right for people to have a voice in expressing a different opinion. Three. I have never visited either of them. I would imagine the it's the reason PBM has stayed away from this conversation. All I would expect is for us to act as adults. It's too bad about the websites you mentioned, but Doc, did you ever stop to think about the "lurker" visitors here vs. members? I think when people feel intimidated or that they're going to get a "sales" pitch, they're far less likely to participate. Let me just make one comment myself.... I apply this in everyday life and I think it really applies here.... It's a simple life philosophy that I believe in... I don't think you have to make someone else a loser in order to be a winner... We can all be winners... Thanks again for your positive comments Doc. I'm glad I was able to gain your confidence.
Re: Done Deal Then Well, you certainly have, Bkev. Although I completely disagree with you about the need to tighten up the site (precluding commercial remarks by Bill Bauer, creditworks, Kristi Welsh, and others), I totally agree with your right to the dissenting view. I also want to thank you for taking the time to answer the questions I put on the table so completely! I do think any number of reasonable people would agree with both approaches to running a discussion site like this one. Regardless, you certainly make a compelling case for your views on the matter. Thanks again, Doc
Re: Credit Successes for newbiesto Bill have given countless free advice to people here, so I'm always disturbed when he is attacked as a guy advertising for free. I have seen him spend 2 hours in chat counseling non-customers for free!
Re: Credit Successes for newbiesto I draw a difference between someone giving advice, from which they can not personally benefit, and promoting that you use the methods which charge a fee. You're saying that during this 2 hour chat he never tried to get the person to use his service? Too bad we don't have a chat log........
Re: Credit Successes for newbiesto I agree. Long before I was a customer of his, Bill gave me specific answers to specific questions here at CreditNet, and even occasionally traded jokes and one-liners (not good ones, mind you) without ever once directly soliciting my business. If it would help settle this tiff, I could search back through and post some links. Like any other regular poster I see here, when I see a post from Bill, or LizardKing, or Chelechele, or even Psychdoc, bkev, and MikeB, I take what I can use and don't worry about the rest. I'm just grateful I'm able to find so much valuable information in one place. What I've learned here has measurably improved my family's life in just a few short months; with more to come. I've even learned (maybe more in the negative sense) from Angry Posters like CreditMama (she of the Brass Ba##s) and Phinneous (Renamed by me Baby Face Finster- He of the forty year old libido and the two year old dinky). Anyway. jeez Louise, who peed in so many people's Wheaties? Is the Cereal Killer back? LOL.. Life must be going pretty good if this is the biggest and best thing anyone can find to get peeved about.
Re: Credit Successes for newbiesto That was a compliment, right? Right? Right? Uhhh. Yes! I'll take it! Uhhh.