Credit Successes for newbiesto see.

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by kustomkat, Oct 11, 2001.

  1. 4kristi

    4kristi Active Member

    Re: Done Deal Then

    Great CRA/Creditor List!
  2. Kittw1

    Kittw1 Well-Known Member

    Re: Done Deal Then

    SAY ANNA...didn't you have a question for me regarding AMEX for me....

    My successes are great. Now if I hear from Mr.Miller or Mr. Eugene Cooke, i will be the wonder girl.
  3. supershawn

    supershawn Well-Known Member

    Re: Done Deal Then

    Actually, according to my English professor (although as an engineer I only had two english classes), "ALOT" and "A LOT" are both incorrect.

    Of course, he had a piece of helicopter stuck in his head from his piloting days from Vietnam....and he used to jump from desk to desk while singing 60's songs....and he wore the same turtleneck and blazer everyday....and we were not allowed to say 'it'....and I wrote my last paper three hours befor eit was due on three days of no sleep and my first bong experience and it was about a guy who had a dream he fell in love with a fish and I got an "A".


  4. 4kristi

    4kristi Active Member

    Re: Done Deal Then

    So don't leave us hanging---What is the correct term?

    - a lot -alot

    1 : to a considerable degree or extent <this is a lot nicer>

    2 : OFTEN, FREQUENTLY <runs alot every day>
  5. supershawn

    supershawn Well-Known Member

    Re: Done Deal Then

    hmmmmm....ok, I'm going to have to turn to the professionals. I'm going online.....

    Listed @

    ALOT Adaptive Large Optics Technologies
    ALOT Airborne Lightweight Optical Tracking
    ALOT Allotment

    a lot (adv) : to a very great degree or extent; "we enjoyed ourselves very much"; "she was very much interested"; "this would help a great deal" [syn: a good deal, a great deal, much, very much]

    Well, they both 'exist', according to

    But, gconsidering my dis-trust in the 'soft' sciences, I am going to have to revert to the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics...not the one used by religious zealots to prove the existance of God/god/a 'god, nor the one used by creationists to prove monkeys became man, the one beat into my brain through three semesters of the Applied Theories of Thermodynamics (the reason for the afor mentioned three nights of no sleep and said "cannibus experimentus")...

    I am afraid I cannot explain it to you, it just wouldn't be fair to sum up all the BS spewed by my Thermo professor (It took two of those semesters just to figure out what the hell 'wapor pressure' was, only to find out second semester that Indians cannot pronounce the letter V)....into someting that makes sense. Although it is possible, they have a lot of papers saying they are smarter than me and they choose not to do it...I reckon' I ought to do the same....

    I'd recommend calling Ms. Cleo. If a Shamen can't tell you, no one can!


  6. anna

    anna Well-Known Member

    Re: Done Deal Then

    Miss Cleo said it's "a lot" - case closed.
  7. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    Re: Done Deal Then

    Please have Miss Cleo provide the physical description of a lot. You know, State, County, township, division, subdivision, lot number. That kind of thing. Then I will know where a lot is.
  8. anna

    anna Well-Known Member

    Re: Done Deal Then

    She said to have Bill call her at her toll-free number and she will give you that information, but you are NOT to pass it on.
  9. bbauer

    bbauer Banned

    Re: Done Deal Then

    Tell her I'm afraid her telephone might be infected with Amtrax or sumthin

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