CreditExpert - Check this @#$% out!

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by jshimmer, Jan 16, 2002.

  1. jshimmer

    jshimmer Well-Known Member

    I signed up for the "30 day free trial". Right on the page you apply on, it says: If not 100% satisfied, I can cancel before my trial is up and owe nothing. My credit card will be charged the annual fee of $79.95 after the trial. I may cancel anytime after the trial and receive a pro-rated refund.

    Let me repeat: My credit card will be charged the annual fee of $79.95 after the trial.

    I signed up on 1/8/2002. I just checked my Chase Gold card (online access) and CreditExpert charged my credit card on 1/8, the day I signed up!

    I called them. The woman started trying to B.S. me around. First, she says "HOW did you get to the credit expert site?", stating that if you got there via a click-thru link on Experian's site, you got the 30 day free trial, but if you went directly to, you did NOT get a free trial period.

    I said to her "I don't care HOW you get to the site, it says RIGHT ON THE APPLICATION PAGE THAT PEOPLE FILL OUT that it's a 30 Day trial, and your credit card will NOT be charged until AFTER the trial period." Then she starts repeating herself about "well, depending upon HOW you got to the web site ..." I said "So, if I give you a letter that says ONE thing, but I don't honor it because my BROTHER didn't deliver it to you, is that okay?".

    What a joke. Somebody @ CE is trying to tell me that, regardless of what the conditions stated on the secure application page say, you only get the 30 day free trial if you got to the CE website via a specific click-thru advertisment somewhere else.

    What a crock! I cancelled it right then, on the phone.

    I'll wait a few days and then sign up again. I don't mind paying for the service -- the $79 isn't the problem. The problem is that they say one thing and do another, and I HATE companies like that!
  2. Ender

    Ender Well-Known Member

    Hmm, that worries me a bit.. because that makes me wonder if I was charged on the spot too! I should check out my report.. that would be doing the process in signing up, then cancelling before the 30 days is over isn't going to work..
  3. Killer

    Killer Well-Known Member

    I navigated from the experian site and they have not charged my card. I think I signed up around 01/02/2002.
  4. Sub4Prime

    Sub4Prime Well-Known Member

    I signed up on 12/27/01 I signed up on a card that was max I know they did not charge me. I use my lowest limit card 250.00 for small online transactions. Really that is the only thing it is good for.
  5. anna

    anna Well-Known Member

    I signed up yesterday. So far no charge. I wonder how long it would take to show if they DID charge it? I went directly to the site. I'M WORRIED NOW!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Reshod

    Reshod Well-Known Member

    Even if they charged you, you can call and cancel the service and they will credit your account within 5 days.

    This has happened to me twice so far.
  7. Kittw1

    Kittw1 Well-Known Member

    I think the thing will take any number...I now am learning why I received two NSF notices from my bank back in November/December...They suck!
  8. Christi

    Christi Well-Known Member

    I joined in November and again in December and have NOT been charged. I cancel around the 23-35 day, then wait 2-3 more and sign up with a new user name. I'm signed up for me, hubby, mom & nephew all with one card and haven't ever been charged.
  9. sam

    sam Well-Known Member

    i just signed up with a $1 web certificate account for the trial. They are more than welcome to try to charger $79 to my account. It will be denied. That was 6 months ago.

    I guess their accountants suck because no charge ever appeared on my web certificate account, and they never shut it off. Thanks credit-expert! for the free ride.

    (hint: learn to write some real billing software)
  10. Erica

    Erica Well-Known Member

    I signed up in August, they just got around to billing my card the 79 dollars. I thought it had been charged already, but it hadn't, and of course, there's not enough room on my $200 limit card to pay for it. SO....gonna wait. Bastages!!!
  11. kustomkat

    kustomkat Well-Known Member

    The same thing happened to me with privista...


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