Creditexpert deletions

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by King, Mar 16, 2002.

  1. King

    King Well-Known Member

    I declared bankruptcy in 1997. I challenged my 4 charged off acounts and got 2 of them off. And 4 inquiries. Seventh heaven. I did this since I found this place.

    For those of you who understand the pain of BK and answer this thread with congrats. Well thank you.

    If any jack ass makes a negative comment about it Screw you in advance and enjoy my response to you.

    Sorry for my tude but I have been reading the old BK posts and I am just disgusted with the hypocritical pricks who preach morality aginst us Bker's.

    Walk a mile in my shoes dude and you will understand.
  2. PsychDoc

    PsychDoc Well-Known Member

    King, congratulations!

    Incidentally, I don't recall any anti-BK sentiment on this board. The tone of this board is pretty matter-of-fact about bankruptcy with quite a few people having "been there and done that." Are you sure you aren't thinking of a different message board when you used phrases like "jackass," "screw you," and "hypocritical pricks"??

    Anyway, that's GREAT about the deletions!!! :)

  3. KHM

    KHM Well-Known Member

    Congrats!! I am not a BK'er however, you may want to post how you disputed them ie "not mine" etc. I'm sure there are many other people that will want to try your technique.
    Again congrats!
  4. rhaeny

    rhaeny Well-Known Member

    I'm in the same position. Anything you can post regarding exactly how you disputed would really be appreciated. So far anything I've disputed comes back re-aged.
  5. Kelly

    Kelly Well-Known Member

    Congratulations King!

    Did you call Cap 1 yet? Get the rate reduced?
  6. lg

    lg Well-Known Member

    please share every detail KING. Right now you are King getting those things off. GOOD FOR you!! always happy to see good responses. I'm in the same boat. i had bk7 with 0.00 liabilities and assest, i disputed it and was verified a couple of days ago so i disputed it again online with EX.
  7. King

    King Well-Known Member

    Sorry about my tude since the responses came back as Congrats. I signed up for Creditexpert, ie. Experian and disputed 4 charged off accounts and the inquiries as not mine.

    Kelly, I have not PF'd Cap 1 yet. I will do it today.
  8. arobinson

    arobinson Well-Known Member

    Well, I discharged my BK7 in Sept 01. My liab/assets were showing $0 as well, I challenged the CRA's under the FCRA, and sued them, so far only EQUIFAX is working with me to get items deleted. Experian denied any wrongdoing, and my court date with them is in April, and TU, took my case to Federal Court, I am currently working with them to resolve the issue, although a technicality, I don't think I will get the BK 7 removed...

    However, these are my current scores:

    EXPERIAN :597
    EQUIFAX : 565
    TU : 520

    I have had GREAT success getting the accounts included in my BK7 removed by claiming not mine, sometimes it takes a few tries, but most have been removed. I only have the BK7 and GMAC on my TU as derogs, and the BK7 and a few accts that will fall off this year on my EXPERIAN, but EQ is by far my worst report, but the attorney says that he will be able to settle my lawsuit against EQ by the end of March

    (equifax has 6 credit profiles on me, and when I applied for credit, the creditor would see a different report each time, and I could never dispute those inaccuracies)

    So the BK7 accts can be removed by "not mine", but the BK7 itself is VERY VERY HARD TO REMOVE!
  9. rhaeny

    rhaeny Well-Known Member

    You know what, you give me great inspiration. To be such a short time out ot bk7 and getting things removed is excellent. How old were some of these items that were removed? Were they charge-offs, collections or what? And also what was the status that the accounts once you filed. ie "discharged in bankruptcy" or "included in bankruptcy"? Sorry that I'm asking so many questions, its just that I'm going thru the same thing. I've posted here asking questions of this nature but not any assistance. As far as I see, you're the King of bk deletion, congrats!
  10. LKH

    LKH Well-Known Member

    You might want to pose a question directly to Jim. He hasn't been around this week, but he had a bk and had numerous accts deleted that were included in his bk. He now has excellent scores in the 700's and I believe his TU is in the 800's.
  11. lg

    lg Well-Known Member

    Jim where are you????? Jim if you read this post i'm sure everyone would like to see your outline of what u did. or post the thread where it maybe.
  12. King

    King Well-Known Member

    I was too chicken to dispute the actual BK. I just disputed the chargeoffs. One of you guys made a good point about reading the back posts by Jim, Marie, Kelly, Dog etc. to learn how to get stuff done. I have read BK posts by the hundreds since I found this place and chatted up a storm with a couple of the people I mentioned here. Thanks
  13. GEORGE

    GEORGE Well-Known Member

    This board has more of a PRO-BK "TILT"...ANTI CCCS

    I would rather borrow money from parents, sister/brother, get a second/third job, sell "STUFF"...than go BK...but it's still better than CCCS.

    Many people have said they haven't been able to get a 100% securred card 2 years POST-CCCS...
  14. breeze

    breeze Well-Known Member

    There are a few judgmental people on here, but they usually get shouted down, LOL.


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