creditor mess up help

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by desertsky, Apr 16, 2009.

  1. desertsky

    desertsky New Member

    on 8/2006 i bought a suv never ever been late always paid on time.on 8/2008 thay put on my credit repote reedem repoe thourgh 10/2008 . so that time i was trying to trade the suv off no luck .untill the last dealer told me why and what was on my credit report that was in octorber2008. this was on my credit report for 3 months. i called told the creditor about it thay said they did not know or how it got on there. do you have to put that on someones credit report feb 2009 i tryed to trade that suv off again no will take it.had to send it back so were do i stand on this . now thay say there is no record of it thourgh there company it was ever on there . thank you
  2. ccbob

    ccbob Well-Known Member

    Could you try to type that more slowly, I can't quite tell what happened.

    If you have an entry on your credit report that is incorrect, then start by disputing it through the CRA and see what happens with that.
  3. apexcrsrv

    apexcrsrv Well-Known Member

    Dispute it in writing with the credit reporting agencies and convey to them what you did here. In addition, also ask for verification of the reporting from the creditor directly.

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