Clarification needed. Creditor A is reporting a "Profit & Loss Writeoff" of several hundred dollars. A nutcase letter was sent to Creditor A. Creditor A responded in writing stating, "the account has been referred to Bureau Of Coll. Recovery for collection. Please contact them for pay-off.....". Is this legal. Can they report when the account has been sent to a collection agency? Also, they didn't provide any of the information requested in the Nutcase Letter. I will resend another stating that, again, I need the documentation requested, not their supposed verification. I will also include something about violated FCRA, based on feedback I recieve on what was stated above. Thanks for any help you can provide.
isn't the nutcase usually used for accounts paid off?? the theory being that you appear to them as a litigous "nutcase" not worth their time cause the account is paid so they just delete to get you off their backs... This would not be the case for an unpaid OC who can just send the darn thing to collections or file a judgement (if the debt isn't pas the SOL already). Just a thought to consider...
An oc may definitely report that the acct has been charged off even if sent to a ca. They must report it as "Account sold or transferred. Chargeoff - zero balance". The ca may report the balance.
You know I've seen a lot of letters created for numerous purposes. One thing I've learned through ignorance is that they all work if you're persistant. I sent out nine letters this go around, all nutcase, and five have already given in. One is ready to fall with a follow up and the others will fall with persistance. I've sent the validation letter to OCs, when I've been told it's only for CAs, yet I've had every derogatory comment removed from my credit report. Doesn't matter what you send and who you send it to. The bottomline is that all of these companies are ignorant and lazy and if you keep on them long enough they give in. I could send them my college thesis and they would drop a derog if I pushed long enough.
College thesis? What did you do your thesis on? I'm in the process of doing my (at the speed of light because I'm behind!) thesis and would like to do it on credit. Any ideas?