Well...his father stated to me last night that his son is gonna lose his job if he doesn't get his license back. I'm assuming then that he isn't driving without it...he works for the dept of welfare LOL And yesterday I had 6 calls from (caller ID) Jacksonville city...hmmm I bet it was him! It was all hangups on my answering machine!
Thats exactly why she cannot be liable for any future accident. She has no control over what he does. By the way legal interest accrues daily ;o).
Also, you should take a certified copy of the judgment and file it every county which he owns or could potentially own property. That way you will have a judicial mortgage on any of his property and if he tries to sell it, he will have to pay you first. So I would file it in the county he lives, and where his parents live, if a different county. make sure its a certified copy of the judgment though.
That is already done! he owns nothing at all...no property... He might take me to court to make out payment arrangements which is fine with me as long as it's thru the courts and his wages are garnished...and if he defaults his license is suspended again. I don't want to deal with him or his family without court backing me up. I'll have to wait and see...I mailed the demand for payment letter out today.
If it accrues daily...is it compounded too? Like one years is added to the next years and then interest accrued? Or is it accrued each year separately and then all added up to reach a total? I figured it out compounding it...I hope I didn't mess up! It's not much of a difference...only like 7.00
Here is the letter he received (I got a copy from him!) Your drivers license, tag (s), and registration have been suspended as of 12/18/2002, due to a civil court judgement brought against you as a result of an automobile crash. You must do the following to reinstate your driver's license, tag (s), and registration. Provide proof of full automobile liability insurance on the date of the crash resulting in the judgement (insurance company name, policy number, effective date of policy); or Purchase automobile full liability (minimum limits 10/20/10) and have your insuring agent or company file form SR 22 with the Bureau of Financial Responsiblity, Neil Kirkman Building, 2800 Apalachee parkway, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0585, continously for a period of 3 years from 12/18/2002. If you do not own a motor vehicle, a non owner's policy will meet this requirement; and It is necessary that you obtain a satisfaction of judement or judgement creditor's consent letter from: Plaintiff Representative: My name address phone number OR Plaintiff: My name You must pay a 15.00 reinstatement fee. This reinstatement fee will be in addition to other applicable driver license and reinstatement fees. Therefore reinstatement of his license and tags are in my power now. The state won't reinstate until I provide proof of payments on the judgement or satisfaction of the judgement.
It depends on the state, in Louisiana it is not compounded. Check the Florida Bar Association's website, they have a calculator on the website. The Louisiana bar association website has one, but thats La's interest rate.
I looked on the florida bar website and there is no calculator on it...I even tried searching for it in the search engine on the site and it came up with no matches...where is it on that site? I was looking on www.flabar.org
Helen, I may be way off base here, but been thinking about this. Besides the numerous litigous nutcases on this board, there are a lot of pure nutcases in this world. Before you start playing serious hardball, have you weighed the personal safety issues. After all, here is somebody that you have effectively taken their "wheels" from, and now he thinks he has been wronged. Have you thought about turning it over to an attorney for a percentage. Groannnn I'm recommending a CA! I don't mean to scare you, only you know from talking to the son and father the level of their anger, I was just worried. jlynn
You are exactly right. He's already lied to you once: "His excuse for not having insurance when he backed up into me in a parking lot was "The ins company sent the bills to my WRONG address!" You KNOW this guy is irresponsible, and will leave you hanging...again. It is not your fault that the guy cannot get to work, lose his job, etc. What did he care about damages to your car or injury to you? Don't let them "guilt" you into compromising your position. You are right to hold that letter until you are paid in full. His father won't pay? His father? Are we on to part of the problem with the kid's irresponsibility? You are teaching him an important lesson- Personal responsibility. They could sell something to pay you, take out a loan, get a payday advance, whatever. It's just not that important to him.- Don't let them make the "inconvenience" your problem. It's 100% HIS doing. You are doing him the biggest favor of his life, by teaching him responsibility. Radi8
Already tried that. He refused to pay, they couldn't get a dime out of them and they put it on his credit. They said his credit was so bad he had no positives! Seems he doesn't care about paying up on anyones bills. They told me all that they could do after trying for a year to collect was put it on his credit. I don't want to pay someone else since he has shown he doesn't care anyways. And BTW: I hated that letter they sent him cause it has my address and phone no as plain as day! Who knows what he could do now.
Thank you for saying that! I was thinking the same thing...father is 56 (he told me LOL) and son is 33....HMMM what is wrong with this picture?!! Son should learn responsibility. He's skipped out on me since 8/2000...I'm treating this just like business and I'm hoping I can teach someone a good lesson on responsibility. I told his father that this matter is between me and his son. Do you know what he said? "NO it's not...I will help him!" And in the meantime he went off on how his son borrows SO much money from him, doesn't have a dime. I told him to tell his son to get a 2nd job, pay me and then he can quit LOL
I forgot to include the word "may have a calculator" Sorry I got your hopes up. But the website should have a judicial interest table telling you what interest rate to use for each year.
I got the interest rates...called the courthouse and they gave it to me...now if only I knew what type of interest to figure...I'll call them tomorrow and ask them!
I had about the same thing happen to me a couple of weeks after the law went into effect in Ohio. Uninsured driver hit my parked truck. They were supposed to pay me X$ a month till paid. Made 2 payments and then they stopped. After writing them a couple times and being ignored I sent a final letter that if they did not pay the entire balance by a certain date I was going to report it to the authorities that they were in violation of the insurance laws. I made it very clear in the letter that if that happened they would loose both their drivers license and their license plates. Within a week I had every cent they owed me. Guess they didn't want to loose the licenses.As Ohio has a pretty stiff license reinstatement penality for violating the insurance laws.Seems they did not want to pay me and Ohio both. How did you handle your situation? The accident happened at a Mc Donalds parking lot in a town 70 miles from the town where I live. Did you get hit locally or out of town like I did?
I'm living and working in Western Australia right now. This is how they do the insurance here. When you register you car, you have to pay into the state insurance fund. The annual premium is calculated on the weight and power of your car. If you are injured by a vehical, you simply file a claim with the state insurance agency. If you don't like the results, you sue them in a special traffic accident/injury court. The court awards damanges and orders the insurance fund to pay it. There is not fault needed. If you were hurt, then file a claim. Not many lawyer needed for that. The court that makes award decisions has no conflict of interest with the state insurance fund. They are indepedent of them. The auto registration runs about $600-$800 a year for a typical 4 year old sedan. This includes the mandatory insurance premium. The insurance does not cover comprehensive/collision. You can buy that from private insurance companies. You can also buy additional injury insurance just to be safe. If you are injured by a car that was not registered, then the fund still pays, but they have the right to sue and possibly ask for criminal prosecution of the car owner. You won't drive an unregistered car for long before being stopped. The state will suspend the driver's licence of the owner too. This systems works. Some US states should take a long hard look at it.
The closest thing we have to that here in the states is "No Fault Insurance." Some states require that you buy insurance to protect YOURSELF from damage, and you do not have to buy liability. It becomes your responsibility to protect yourself. You can buy liability if you want. I can say though living in Louisiana a.k.a. Class Action Paradise, no fault insurance will NEVER fly here.
There is one big problem with this and it's the same one that we have here in the good old U S A . The car is the one held responsable not the driver. It also over charges mutiple Veh, owners. Also 6oo to 800 is very steep for 1 Veh When you consider it only cost me 500 for five cars. Under their system and rates my cost would jump from 500 to between 3000 and 4000 dollars per year.