Creditors-Look at scores or codes?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by topazmoon, Mar 10, 2002.

  1. topazmoon

    topazmoon Well-Known Member

    Out of creditors just look at scores when they make their decision regarding loans and credit cards or do they also look at the reason codes? My TU and EX scores are over 600 which isn't the best, but they're not the worst on the planet. However my CRs do show my bankruptcy...and I wonder if that would affect my ability to get new credit and at what APR.
  2. tmitchell

    tmitchell Well-Known Member

    That will absolutely be seen. Instant decisions don't only look at scores. They also "see" certian entries because of the coding - such as BKs and collections, etc.
  3. mj

    mj Well-Known Member


    My Exp is >750, and most card applications will come back with an auto-decline due to the BK. If they can review it manually, I usually can get approval - but some banks (Citi, Fleet, Amex, FUSA to name a few) cannot proceed further with an app. if BK is reported.

    Ironic that both Fleet and Amex have no prob with me as a joint applicant- just not as a primary applicant.

    Citi, Amex, and Fleet all claim that once the BK is 7 years post-discharge, they can do it. FUSA (BankOne) can't do anything with an application until the BK falls off (including all references to it).

    B of A, Diners Club were able to override. (the almost late) NextCard auto approved.

    Good luck,

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