My score is currently 658 with EQ. Does anyone know of a credit card company who would approve with this score? I should also state that I had a BK in 99'. If you know of a company that would approve, any idea what the limit would be?
Go to: This website will let you look up which creditors in your state pull which CRA report, and what scores people were approved at. It's a pretty informative site. -Eric
Target Visa pulls Equifax. I have a score of 659 with them and was just approved online!! BTW, my BK was discharged 5-01.
Target,Mervyns,Associates National Bank (Visa/MC) ,American Express pulled credit report from Equifax.
Ok my last question in this thread.. I promise! How do I find out where to send this dispute... by mail or by fax? This is for Chase NA. Thanks!
???? I don't understand the question. You have a problem on your credit report? Send a letter and ask them to fix it. If you can do it on-line, do it...FAX do it. If the CRA'S don't fix it...try CHASE....or maybe CHASE first...