Credits to Account?

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by mbeighey, Sep 26, 2004.

  1. mbeighey

    mbeighey New Member

    Has anyone had a creditor credit their account for late fees, over the limit fees, and finance charges? My account balance was about to be charged off and now I am getting credits to my account. I asked something like this earlier, but I wanted to see if anyone has ever had a creditor credit their account? My balance on Thursday, was 12,181.94, on Friday, the balance was down to 11,704.94. As of today, the balance is 10,954.01. Has anyone had any experience with something similar to this? Also, if they are crediting your account with all the late fees that have been incurred, can I dispute the account with the CRA's for the lates that are on there?
  2. jam237

    jam237 Well-Known Member

    The amount should get updated the next time that they update the CRAs, they usually update once a month.

    You can dispute the account.

    The difficulty is creating a dispute which directly addresses the amount, *WITHOUT* admitting that the debt is yours. (The reason Johnson v. MBNA is as powerful as a case is her dispute was complete instead of a simple 'not mine'.)

    The best way that I can think of is...

    "I do not have an account with data furnisher with a current balance of $xx,xxx."

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