Creit Repair Companies

Discussion in 'Credit Talk' started by kevinv34, Oct 12, 2002.

  1. kevinv34

    kevinv34 New Member


    New to the site:

    Is anyone familiar with Lexington Law or Fowler & fowler? Are either of these firms reputable and does anyone know if they are successful in helping remove negative info.

    They both checked out O.K. on the BBB

    I realize I can write a lot of the disputes myself but time is not on my side right now.

    thanks !!!!
  2. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    First, read the first 3 threads on this board, then do a search on Lexington and Fowler. You will get many different opinions. But personally, if time is of the essence a) doing it yourself is quicker b) you may be out of luck since minimum changes to one's report takes about 30-35 days depending on what it is.


  3. humblemarc

    humblemarc Well-Known Member

    edited double post
  4. charlieslex

    charlieslex Well-Known Member

    Do a search on Lexington. You can do it quicker and better with the help of the board. Lexington people learn from this board and post occasionally, but they don't ever have anything helpful to say. Charlie
  5. DaveLV

    DaveLV Well-Known Member

    Speaking as one who used Lexington for a little while, I would advise you to stick around here for awhile, read the FAQ and PsychDoc's tutorial and sit tight for at least two weeks.

    Then get your thoughts together and ask any specific questions you have.

    Then and ONLY THEN begin to do the repair process yourself.

    You can do it faster and better than any credit repair company. Trust me.

    I didn't think I'd have the time or the inclination to do it myself. I thought I'd get bored or disheartened and leave the job unfinished. The reality is that it doesn't take all that much time, and it really is an interesting process. You'll learn a lot about finance and credit, and you'll reach your goal.

    DO set a reasonable goal. Mine was to buy a house and to obtain credit from Discover, MBNA, American Express and Citibank (all of which I had trouble with in the past). I bought my house last month and I have two Citibank and one American Express card.

    It took me 18 months to get as far as I did. I did nothing out of the ordinary (no lawsuits or anything). I just disputed, wrote letters to creditors, used PlanetFeedback and made lots of phone calls. I now have a clean TU report, one negative on Equifax that will age off this March if I can't get it off before then and two negatives on Experian.

    Trust me. Do it yourself.
  6. tac14033

    tac14033 Well-Known Member

    I second that!!

    One thing you will have by doing it yourself is....CONTROL!!

    When you go with one of those companies you have to sit and wait on them, in the meantime you don't know how or what they did and if you ask them they will politely state it is a trade secret or none of your business!

    I consider anyone who has my personal credit information and is drafting letters and such to be very much my business and I want to definetly know what they are doing or writing about me to the CRAs.

    You will get much, much better results here then if you went with any of those companies.

    You will probably get much quicker results too!!

    Search this board as I did when I first found it. It has loads of valuable information!

    I was searching and reading for weeks and couldn't believe all the wealth of FREE information that was out there.

    The people here are great and in my mind some I consider experts at this game, those you will learn and find out quickly to rely heavily on their advice and put it to good use as I have.

    Don't get me wrong you will have to invest alot of time and some money into repairing this yourself.

    I can tell you this....You never forget the feeling of seeing your hard work pay off!!

    Good Luck, we are here to help you!

  7. tracyb0313

    tracyb0313 Well-Known Member

    It becomes a bit obsessive! LOL I can't believe I went 35 years without truly knowing how to use my credit. I didn't know about late fees, raising or lowering my APR, didn't know I could call and have my CL increased. I knew nothing, and just fumbled my way along. Which is why I'm here in the first place. I've learned so much in my short time here, and I've only just touched the surface.
  8. stenwick

    stenwick Well-Known Member

    I think it is in your best interest to stay away from credit repair companies, especially Lex Law.

    You CAN get the same if not far better results by disputing on your own. And in half the time.

    kevinv34 , are you also planning on working to get many of the positive "good standing" accounts permanently deleted off all three of your reports reports?

    Lex Law will do this on a continuous basis. They dispute all accounts, even though they promise not too.
  9. lbrown59

    lbrown59 Well-Known Member

    I realize I can write a lot of the disputes myself but time is not on my side right now.

    Neither are repair firms!

    DISPUTER Well-Known Member

    I own a credit repair company. I am very upfront with my customers, I lay out everything in the contract, I also provide them with the disclosure that says, they can basically do everything themselves. It even says that they have a right to sue me if they feel they have been wronged. I contacted the FTC before I opened up. They even have all my personal contact information. I operate by the book.

    I realize there are some credit repair firms that are ripoffs and scams, but not all of us. Having that said, I would still say to you, you should learn to do it yourself. You will feel great when you accomplish your end goal.


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